Thursday, April 29, 2004

BiG WidE SMiLE...... is ALl i haV on my faCe now...

it's beEn a Long Time ever sInce i feLt like this... Thank you. i Love you. and u know that. :)

yeAPz.. it's him. sPeCiaLLy caMe to pick me up in his... OtAH van.. hehe.. then leT Me Drive wiF it... bEfore he dROve it back to his grandma's PlaCe... it's considereD a surPrise i tink... anywayz.. i'm reaLly haPpy...

I'm jus trying to IgnoRe all the other feeLings... and Of coz.... i hoPe..... tis is For reAL...

*Praying Hard*
feELlin super ResTless... not in a gd Mood eIther.. and i hav no idEa Y....

y? y? y? pERhaPs.. i din slp Long Enough. wEnt FOr dRIving... grr.. it suCKz.. dRove to UBi.. and the rOad there waS hOrrible... you know.. losta consTructions... then the it's curve eveRywhere... tRaffic Not sMooTH eIther... gRRR.......

Then foRGot to gIv waY to crossing PedestraIn... sUmonE caLled while i was dRiving.. Lost conceNtration...... almosT colLide wif a Van.... DaMN. WAt's wRong with me todaY?
HurT myself a fEw times accidENtally.. ANd PlUs.... soME irRitating insecT bit Me twO days Back and i'm sTIlL feeLing the ItCH and the Red MarKs aRe sTiLL thEre!?!?! 10 of 'em on my right lEg. PiSSed.

Jus SO NOT my day. sCReW it!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

You have a Lost Soul. No one is really sure what
that can always mean, because it can be defined
in many ways. As Legend goes, lost souls were
the spirits of passed away people who are
neither in heaven nor hell. They walk the
earth, brooding mysteriously, always appearing
when you expect it least. So hence, if you have
a Lost Soul, then you are probably very
insecure and shy. Stuck in your own little box,
you watch the world fly by as a loner. You dont
know your place. You seemingly dont have a
place in society or an interest. You are a very
capricious person, and are confused and
frustrated about where you belong. You crave
for the sense and feeling of home-but have not
obtained it yet.

What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

waHaha... my icq nick is also L0st^SoU|... coincidence huh..

Quiz Me
Weili was
a Spellbinding Damsel In Distress
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me

i took this test twice.. ended up with similar answers! Both with the words " dAmsel in distress..." Freaky huh... haha... btw, wat does it means arH??? Hahaha......
You've definitely caught the bad-angel's eye. He's
very interested in you and he loves your fiery
attitude.. hmm.. maybe something special is in
store for you..

would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you? (now w/ pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla
it's Soooo BorIng!! Haha.. well, i'm hungry again... i hAd instant nooDles for today at 7+... that was the only Thing i Ate... together with loAds of waTer... and i'm sUpEr bROke. i sPeNt 15 bucks on Grocery ShOPPin and i'm now left wif 2 bucks! aLL i BOught were instaNt nooDLes and soMe ingreDieNTs to go with it... gRrr... aT least.... can last me for one Week... haha....... i'm trYing to sLp late..... and waKe up laTe..... so..... i'll eat less than before... then... waIt for effeNdi and gang for the WOrkout SessIon and hopeFuLLY lose a fEw Pounds frOm the GyM...

this is for him: we've Met up yesterday and today... everything.... seems fine.. but i somehow dun feel the same as before. sEems like there's sum Barrier in betwEen... not you.. but Me.. i duno.. of coz. i hope this would last.. i mean watever's happening.. and then soon the weird feELin would go away... anywayz, you're goin for anotHEr op soon... let's hope that it's a chance for things to Get better... it's late.. gd nite... i miss you...

wat should i do later? hmm.. the stupid friendster is at it agAIn... for one MomeNT, the testimonial was up... another.... it was pendin for aPprOval.. hOw sTupid is that? haahaa... alrite.. i'm seriously BOred.... kekeke...

Monday, April 26, 2004

Sun's down... moon's no where to be seen.
Sky's grey... full of dark clouds.
Rain's coming... and i have not eaten anything for the whole day!!!!!!!!!!

WAhaaahaha.... haven eaten any meal today. onLy stuff i aTe weRe junks... chocolate and sweEts...

DAmn! haha... nothing to eAt... and havin a hOrrible heaDaChe... Boring!
it's the holidays... i'm so bOred... haha...

wAn go clubBIn again... kekeke.... anyone?

Saturday, April 24, 2004

i still miss you more than anybody else...
WEeeEeEee............ the bloody mentally drAinng fREaking ExaMs are OvER~! hahaha....
actually, it ain't that bad la.. as long as you've studied for the right thing... finALly i can get to sLeeP!!! i miss sleep you know?!? but it has got tO be after sunDAy which is tMl! coz there's a Performance at BuKit meraH tml Morning... Wahz... hehe.. haPPy aNywAyz...

i'm sO going to miss my dearies during long holidays...

Monday, April 19, 2004

had a very long day yesterday!!!!!!!! but i enjoyed it... rEally. waS busy preparing for the concert the whole of last week. Finally the concert is over... sad thing is that is so sHorT! MAN... i wonder when will we HAv our OWN concert.. ? i dun mind workin hand in hand wif Kranji or Chai chEE... hehe.. since we're Gd fRiends Rite?? hahaha.......

seriously, i missed my passion for music i had.. but after yesterday..... it's bacK! well, felt really great. eSP the nite concert.. everyone was so "higH" when Playin the eNcore PieCe.. first time i sEE My junior benjaMin so Enthu dancing with the instrument. got to knoW more juniorS in band nOw... at least when i go Back.. i will know who's who.. hahaha...

thAnks Benjamin for the daIsy.. and thaNks to bAnd for the..... eRmm.. cup of Candies..haahaa.. everytime go back sure get cup home.. haha.. reaLLy veri veri happy yesterday.. i Miss my bANd LifE!! haha... okok.. enugh of Band.. if not u guys wil get sick of readin... too bad u guys din come and waTcH concert.. so nice... hahaha.... oH yeah... thanks JusTIn Kor for coming to watCh... aiyah... heCk the Discount ticket la.. On MY housE! hahaha........

today's the start of the veri first paper.. hope it's a no prOblem.. tml, i'm so goin to die.. it's POM. Man.. how i wish i had Mr Leong as my tutor..... haiz.. as for MBS, i hav no comments la.. jus cross my fingers.. hahaha.... hMm....... sunday there's goin to be another outdoor performance...... i wan PlaY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hahaha........

Friday, April 16, 2004

I did nothing. Said nothing. you jolly well know why do i sound like that... and yet, u delibrately make one big round and end up pickin on me. Again and again... i have no idea wat's goin on.... perhaps, you just venting your frustrations on me again. You picked on me once, twice, many many times... used to it. but it still hurts. i really duno what to do.

Nothing i say or do will ever seem right to you...

Thursday, April 15, 2004

AMK again... She stays in AMK. You frequent AMK. You claim that you're with him... if he has a gf, why is he always out with you? Everywhere you go.. u'll say it's him you're out with... then u'll never answer my call...

sumting's telling me... it's her. you're with her. seeing her. the same girl i saw in the arcade, the same girl whom u claim that it's over, the same girl my mum saw yesterday... i have no idea... what am i here for... is she jus like wat the tv drama says? guys takes Sex and love seperately?

i wOnder..........

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

i din call you dada for nothing. i feel so dumb again. actually for all these while. why do u still wan to lie to me again?

I'm confused. i duno who to trust. My mum says that she has the feeling that the girl's ur new girlfriend. While u say she's his girlfriend. I really duno. Mum says she saw u buy 2 drinks. If u're wif him and his girlfriend, shouldn't you be getting 3 drinks? If she was his girlfriend, why do u end up in amk? i tot he has a bike?

Pretty obivious... rite..? Jus now dumb am i??????????????????????

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

dada: Thank you for buying me that smiley face that keeps nodding. You knew i like it and bought it. You even considered my Fav colour.. but definitely, orange colour is v nice. i Like it very much. Sentimental exactly.. orange looks nicer. Thanks again. Let's hope that i can smile everyday when i look at tat. It's been very long since i address you "dada". feels weird now... i duno wat's install for us in the near future. Be it good or bad... i jus wan to cherish watever i hav now. I jus neEd more time coz i'm sTiLL aFraid of getting hurt and i have not recovered yet...

ExaMs are jus less then a week's time.. I'm so stRess... Having concert on sunday.... anybody wan come and watch?? haha... i'm serious you know. noT kidding... Come watch la... hehehe....
Now havin MBS if not i won't be bloggin at this hour. nothing much to do... kinda boreD.. chatting with piG head. hAIz.. poor thing. always doin assignment... haaha... oEI... when's the coffee deal???

I'm bRoke now... i oWe M1 190++ havEn Pay up!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 12, 2004

I'm not sure whether should i get myself so involve... I've been holding myself back. jus too afraid of getting hurt.

Love is when you can't hate no matter what the person has done unto you...

Jus how true is that?
I am 27% evil.

I try to stay away from evil deeds but succumb to temptation every once in a while. I'm not quite on my way to hell but I certainly have some explaining to do.

Are you evil? find out at

Saturday, April 03, 2004

changed.. you're all changed. you never did took wat i said negatively... you always knew that i care and understood wat i meant... but now...

I jus dun know how on earth could you say that i'm cursing you, i want you dead when i'm showing my concern.... how horrible is that? it's just too drastic. do i really have to be a silent lamb? jus be there when u want to find me?

It jus hurts. why on earth do you keep venting your frustrations on me???? i tried to talk to you... and yet... ignorance is wat i get...

Friday, April 02, 2004

It's very obvious that you're lying to me... Too much of a coincidence that when u off your phone, the other sim card is is on and when u off that card, ur phone is on agaIn. Very nice of you trying to cook up a story.... Me harassing her? WTF.. Who's harassing who? She called me and yet, i never did anything to her... i seriously don't know wat u wan from me... Why don't you jus tell me strAighT?

i'm a pissed stupid idiot rite? Dun try to go to the extreme....

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Where are you now? Can i jus conclude that all i heard were a pack of lies? I'm extremely upset by you... you ask me to give you some personal free space.... some time of your own.... it's not as if i never give you.... i gave you. and this is wat i get.... ? No news of you.... you hanging up on me... yelling over the phone...
Gut feelings are telling me something horrible... u're wif either one of 'em.... most prob "E"... not forgetting that night where she called me... it's jus too conincidental..... you telling me and then the very next minute it jus happened... doubts is all i have..

Just how does it feels to fall in love with someone whom you don't know how to trust?

Jus Plain Stupid of me...