Wednesday, December 31, 2003

jus finished my last bottle of vodka. still feeling moody. juz switched off all lights in the house. i'm goin to watch vcd. pirates of the carribean. i watched the movie. watchin the vcd again. if u ask me y? i will answer u.. i duno. juz upset. and bored.
aiyeh.. i seriously duno wat's wrong wif the tagboard. anybody gd in this kind enugh to help me out? i can't read html leh.... how? i tried. but doesnt work... the tagboard does comes out. but can't input name... i duno y... help...

Anywayz... today's a Bad day.. juz like lasT nite. coz i almost bleW everything up. almost... almost couldn't make it anymore... but... it's ok now.. i suppose. hope after tml nite... everything will be back to normal. i reaLly wish so... i'm feELin bad.. so bAd. duno how much i Cried... eyes feel so Dry.. coz of those tears...

yeah... today's last day of work. gona miss sum ppl.. i mean.. bee lan, jasmine, soh khoon... definitely yvonne.. she's so nice. and i received quite a no. of thank you gifts. i gave out 8. got... 6 in return. haven open them up yet. laTer.. surprised gift from soh khoon... really surprised. wat's more, it's the biggest among all. i'll definitely miss rachael. who's tat? the beauty in the office. she's prEtty. i'm not pervert. ppl like to look at nice and beautiful things rite? she's no thing. but she's beautiful. supposed to go collect blue tooth after work. but.. was on the phone wif da. trying to sort ourselves out... duno if things turn better or not... pray hard...

i'm sO hungry now. New year eve. stuck at home. moodless. simply bluE. haven eaTen any meal... only things i ate was... a piece of paNdan caKe. from lily.. coz today last day. so she gave like everybody one? then 2 pcs of andes. one in office, one at home. and 1 hacks candy. tat's all..... HungRy, lonely and sAd...
it's miserable... when you love sumone too much. Everything he/she does mEans soooOo much too you tat it prIcks ur heARt and u fEEl the ShaRp Pinch... each piNcH is so shaRp tat tears staRts to gaTher round ur eYes...

hav you eVer love sumone so much that u come to a point and wonDer should u let the person go? you feeL that u are not worthy of him/her... he/she's wAy too good for you.. and u shld let the person go out and fInd a Better parTner? tis Is the way i'm feELing... i fEEl lousY. tERribLe... DepResSed... i neEd to let ALL of them out. but i duno hOw... drops of teARs flow dOwn... leaving me fEeling helpleSs... i feeL like.... i FEeL like gIving up... even though it hurts...

I'm lost aGaIn.... once agaIn... lost in my v oWN wOrld... in total daRKness.. gOne Are those haPpy days... i Love him tOO mucH... i'm so afraId Tat i won't be able to brIng him haPpiness... sOmeone... pls... tell me wat to do.... i dun waNa hurT him...

Monday, December 29, 2003

OUCH! the bones in my butt hUrts Like hELL... went cycling with dada... and i haven bEen cycling for ages... now the butt hUrts... eVen when i'm stANding! aND... the thighs cERtaInly aRe WObBy.. hahaha. haven bEen exercising... we went cycling at bout 4+ cycled to pUngGol PaRk... then he DeCIdEd to go visit his graNdma... so We Cycled to sErangOOn norTh... had dinner there then cycLEd back to sEngKaNg.... wEnt comPaSs point wif dada and his mum... theY weRe doin suM neW year shOppIng... then aFter tat.. wE cyCle back to my hoMe... haha..... PaIN PAIN..... help... hahahahaa..... but i haD LoADs Of fUn... fOr surE. : )

baCk to the taGbOarD....... i reALLy duno wAt's wrOng.. and... i'm tIRed now... wun Be tRying... not aT leaSt until.. maYbe... new year eve Or new yeaR... coz.. i'll be WOrkin for the neXt 3 days.... ANd YES.... My laSt 3 days.... wOohoo~! hahahaa... then can Slp AND slp.... hahaa.... yEAh.. i'm bEcoming A pIG.... btw, neXt sEM time tabLe wiLL be Out on 30th Dec... aFter 2.... wOnder How's it goin to bE Like...

dada: sMuackz! hehe... thanks for todAy.... i reaLly enjoyed myself... take care of ur butt okie? hehehe..... poor us.. got painful butts already... hehe... miss ya loads..
dearies: school's gona sTaRt sOon... most Prob we wun be in sAme claSs eXcePt for apel.. gonna misS those times we HAd... take care yeah.. meanwhile, eNjoy the last weEK to the FuLLesT yeaH?!? see Ya sWeEties sooN...

Sunday, December 28, 2003

juz changed my skin... nice.. hehe.... but sumthing wrong wif the tag board. trying to save it.. hahaa.... bear wif it ok?!? hahaha.... i love the song... nice nice........

Love-a-Lot Bear
You love to take care of others and people love being around you because you make them feel appreciated. You are very sweet and soft-spoken. You are also a romantic and consider yourself an excellent matchmaker, so you tend to be a bit nosy. But everyone still considers you the sweetest person they know.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Hehehehe.. i din blog last nite agaIn. oPps.. haaha... actually.. kinda tired... tat's y.
Went to wOrk.. and left early at 5.30. wEnt jLn Kayu meET dada then we wEnt jOo chiAt. NOw, i got An eLephaNt size rigHt Ankle.... and i'm not goiN AnyWhere wif it untiL i reMovE the bAndage tonigHt. nothing's wrOng.. i never faLl down.. it's the paIn in the boNe... from the incident few montHs baCk... Mama.. you know rite..
tHen... so tired.. haaha.... i'm GeTting LAzier! SHIT MAN.... i nEEd to clean my other bed rOom.. coz i was Sick for the paSt Wk.. and i haven really BEen leaving my things in pLACe.. and they're Lying around my Bed... sOoo. i neEd to CLeaR them... befOre i can't see my bed. haha... but suMhOw... i'Ve got zeRo motivAtion to do sO!!!!!!!!!! hElp help.. get That laZineSs ouT!!!!!!! i waNA do things... i dun waNA sit and slp... tat's wat i've bEen doin since i waS sick.. mAN.... i haTe tis... aNd i'm gRowIn fAttER Coz of tis...... arghZ.......

Thursday, December 25, 2003

YoOOohoooooo!!!!!!! MeRrY chRiStmAS!!!!!!!!

WeLl well.. i haven been bloggin rite?! i have broke my record.... wAhaha... okok..
it's christMaS alreAdy.... let me see.. i haVen blog for .. 3 daYS! HEhehe..... wat was i up to..?

basically..... the last post... was on sunday nite. i blogged at 12.59am tat's why you see it posted on monday. ok... here goes the 3 day long post :

monday... wOke up and laZe around.... hahaa... then dada keep urging me to go sEe doctor.. so i went... i went to sEe the doctor.. and guess wat. doctor was staRing at my phone.... wahahaha... insTead of asking about my condition, he waS asking about my phone.. wAt a dOc! haaha... after tat i weNt home.. haD lunch. and sLpt after medicAtion... wOke up aT 4 plus aFter reCeVing a msg from JerMaine Askin me tO go down hSsband... i sTood up... fEELin eXtremely dizzy.. it fELt horRible.. i rather not taKe the medicine. so i went to preparE and went back to Band... din Play.. waTch the baNd... coz i was stiLL dRugGed. reached Home aT 11+ TOo tired to do anything... heaDed straight to bed. oh yeah.. tat nite, Ah boy leFt my house...
tuesday... rise and shine FOr work... went to work... coughing and coughing.. and i sERiously loOk paLe. haha... but daDA came down and meT me for lunchie... hehe.. so nice... aFter lunch it's back to wOrk again.. theN afTer wOrk i wEnt down to HSs again.. i practised... HeLl.. i haven touch tUba for 1 yr ++ and boy.. it waS heavy... haaha.. long Time no CaRry.. muscles all Becum Fats.. hahaha... aFter PraCtice, went home StRaigHt aNd baCk to BeD agaIn. hahaha.... reALLy v v tired.
WednEsday.. tat's yesterday.. chirsTmaS eVe. wEnt To wOrk as usuaL.... but.... aT 12+.. oFfice had A chrisTMas Lunch... buFfet caTering from MagiC WoK. ehhe.. not tOO bad.. then had gift exchange.. then lucKy dRaw.. i won a waTch... eh.. i hav no idea wat wAtch la.. not v ex. of coz.. haha.. they bought a lOt.. then work endEd aT 3. DAda came and find me... then wE went OrcHaRd... walk around... TooK picture of the FeRrari tat's displaYed there.. COoL! from OrcharD we Walked to P.S.. we went to lOOk fOr Mama~ HEhehe.... surPrised TO see me? hehehhehe..... then aFter tat we went to riVer valley.. on our way outside p.s, i saw sumbody... from out Sch.. haha. nobody la.. no big deal either.. juz surprised only.. haha okok..
then walked round clarke quay before heading to da vincI For dinner.. hee... almost got ourselves lost.. coz could'nt find the place. thanks HuifERn.. food was gReat.. eXcept for the.... aheM.. saLaD.. hahaha.. then aFter tat... dada taught me how to play pool.. haha.. i stiLl duNo la. then we go Home.. coz my pooR daDa got dutY Today...
so.... it's chrisTmaS TOdaY! and i'm home.. blogging. neEd to clean up the house. now tat Ah boy's gone, it's time for me To clear up the house more.. since it wun be messed up by him aNymore... well. i juz tOOk sum medicine.. and i'm feELin sLpy.. think i better go taKe A naP FIrst.. bye!

Monday, December 22, 2003

SICK..... i'm SicK. from the throat... to a reALLy bad CougH... plus tat churning StomAch. wat's HaPPeNing to me?????
TMl MC... not goin to wOrk le. i dun wan to keEP coughing in front of the pC... then PooR Jasmine wiLL haV TonneS of things to do... coz BeE lan on Leave. die.... sorRy....
AnywAy... i'm sorta.. haPpy today... haD a v LoOoNg day.. wOke Up eaRLy Morning at 8+ had a bad dreAm. not goin to tOk bout it. ThEn went over to dADa's PlaCe...
supposE to go See shifu.. but reaCh there shifu not in. SO we waLked aLl the way from that plaCe to noVenA..... wAh.... quitE faR Leh....
then take bus to aMk mAKaN....then daDa go help his MuM... i went to compass point.. suppoSE to do x'Mas shoPping for the office gift xchange... end up buying fouR tops for MysELf. HAha... then wEnt hoMe... tok to daD... ask him how to go hArrison rD. NeEd to go colleCt bLue TOOth... aFter tat wE went NoVena.. the furniture shop to SeE the bed i like aNd sofas....
then walk round the PasAR maLAM...... my DaD bought me a top and sum botTOms to be worN aT Home LA. haaha... after tat i hAd dinner then hE send me home while he go pick muM up. Soon my bro caMe... and dada caMe tOO..... haha.... he came to aCc. me... he went home aT 11++ and misSed his Last bus agaIn... so i ran all the way... back to the sAMe spot...where sumting memorable happened there 1 mnth plus bACk. haha.. ok.. then he waLK home Again.. sorRy dear.... if my stomach din aCt up.. u wldn't hav missed ur bus....
now online blogging, chatting wif jo... and dada. but he's NoWhere near the Keyboard coz he never Reply me...... guess he wEnt eat. hE toLD me he waS hungRy. while.. all i wished for is... to slp... and see doc tml..... *smiLez*

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Hehehehe.... i finally bought my beloved X70! hehe.... gona Explore it SOon... then hopefully can fall aslp. i'm gona Be sick. my throAt's sore... i bought 3 hERbaL jellys... haha.. fAsTer cure the Heat! it's kilLing me. oh yeah... i got a new no. but i haven decide to use which no. so..... wait for my news! hehee...... bye Bye... wan go eXplore alreaDy!
wah.... i'm goin to faLL sick sOOn.... coz i'm GEttin "heaty" aLready. if i stiLL dun tAKe cAre... i sure sIck... super tired.. wana slp Soon... y i blog so LAte???? coz juz now daDa come Find Me!! Even thougH he gOt duty tml.... so swt... hehehe...... ok before ppl complain i V MusHy... i Stop first... wahahaha.....
aNywayz.. tml i'm goin to buy X70.... hopEfuLLY stock hasn't Run out.. GOna siGn A New LiNE... coz u know y la.... dun wANa gET disturbEd... hEhe.... So... if i msg u teLL u i got new no. means i got new Phone.. if i nevEr, means... no phone... ok?!? hehhe.. pray hard for me Ah..... hahaha..........

Thursday, December 18, 2003

i'm still fasinated by LOTR... it waS GREAT... i wouLdn't mind waTching aGaIn.... but i'm goNA waIt for the fuLL sEt of exTeNded Version of the DVDS to be out....... Hehehehe..... i LuuRRrVeeeeee the stORy... and i certaInly enjoy staring aT LegoLas..... wahAhaa....
aNd then..... i StiLL caN't finD X70!!!!!!!!!!!! ARgHz....... i wan tat phone..... i dun care.... :P hehe...... slpy head me...... laTer mop fLoor alreaDy mus slp.... tml fRI~~~ wKend alreaDy... can slp!!!!!!!!! bYE bYE

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

oh.... i forgot..........

i wan X70!!!! i WAN X70!!!! i cALled m1 tis noon to cHeCK... sTiLL no StOck and wat's worse is tat they dunO when's the neXt Batch cuming!! wTf? I WAN X70! i dun cARE!!! hahha... ya i sound like a spoilT BRat here.... but i dun giv a daMN! ahaha.. i wan my X70!
okok... eNough of that.... weLl i went for my basic theorY todAy... wif dada! hehee.. so sWt of him... he aCtuaLLy wanteD to taKe HaLf day off then cum teach me... but he din manage to geT it.. so i haD to wOrk tiLL 6.. if not i aLso haLf daY.. hahaha... weLl.... waT can i say.... basic theory... paper's ..... ok? i tink so... let's wait and sEe...hehe.... i'm so tired.. din slp wELl last nite... dada... u know whY.... u owE me!!!!! hehe..... i'm goin to hunt for X70! and.... anybody who knows where can i Get it pls let me know! tHanks a ziLLion...... i wan X70....... hahaaa......
christine: haha... thanks for bringing the xTra Batt... but i dun neEd aLreADY! from now on.... i'm going to bring chaRger to my officE eVERYdaY! hahaaha......
zhEN: aIya..... where got musHy.... hahaha.... ok la... how aRe u????? any beTTEr?
na: i MisS u~~~~~~ hehee.... try to cAtch more beauty sLp yeah..... i'm a paNda alreaDy... dun eNd up like me!
nise: 7 days more! yeaH~ hahaha.....
not ForGetting mamA: mama!!!!!!!!!! dun saY my blog only got dada la... also haV u alL ma....... hehee..... how aRe U........ haven sEen u SO lOng..... misS u wOrx... din reaLyl chaT wif u online aLSo... our Timings aRe now So difF... hope to see u soON.....

Monday, December 15, 2003

ah....... tireD....... pain.... here pain there pain.. hahaha.... arm still hurts a little. lot more better.... today's a long day....... deaRest daDa!!!!! oh.. i love u so much... hehe... thanks for cuming by so early! realLY haPPy to see u.... sorry for bein so Angry in the nOOn.... u shld know y already by now.. i'd explain and apologised so many times.... and boy.. u're so nice! heehee.. u made me laugh so much jus now tru the phone! dun trY to speaK like tat!!!!! it jus cracks me up... hehehe....... anywaY... one damn thing happened todaY..... my phone DIED on mE. f*cK! haha... i Hate tat! esP at tat hr when things where so heateD uP! but now it's ok! hehe... happy again.. then.... another thing..... i waS stuck in the building! daMN!!! haaha...... shldn't hav left office so laTe... stupid Me~ haha.....
meT christine and justin for dInner aT SaKaE... nice nice....... so full.... goin to sLp sOon... sumbody say i no sLp AH~~~~~ hahahha......bye~~~

Sunday, December 14, 2003

yum Yum! unagi tasTe Great... hahaa.... my parents came home from suntec. my dad wEnT there to gEt the NeW Phone... nice nice... hahaa..... then mum bought unaGi hoMe.... hehe..
hMm... it's nite time AlreAdy... greAt tat time Passes by faSt... if not i'll be So saD.... coz missing sumbody is so hard to get by... well.... counting down to the last day of wORk.. 12 days... excluding sundays and public hOLidays... yOhoo... hahaa... Great.. but sch's Gona sTaRt sOOn.... and..... not forgettIn, money's ROlling in tOO!!!! haha.... and fLowing out SOOn aLso.... but a X70 cumin in defiNately make it wOrThwhile... yes... i'm maD over tat phone juz like hOW i likE 8310 in the PaSt..
cAn't reaLLY wait to gET my pay.... i wan the Phone BadLy.... haha.... and.. i misS dada badly tOO... hope to See him sOon.....
everytime i close my eyes when u're not wif me, i dare not open them again. Becoz i know i wun see u... which brings sorrows and tears to my eyes. i miss u too much to do anything. i'm totally speechless. all that i ever think of now is just you...

Saturday, December 13, 2003

yeah yeah....... i din blog last nite. hahha. too tired.. sorry. bAsically, work's the same. haha...then afTEr work, went oveR to meeT cHriStine then we went.... walk walk. she wAn see Shoe... in the eNd, no buy... haha... bought a hp for her mum instead..... and i wana ask my dad to get it TOo..... hahha... soon aFter that i went to meEt dada at amk. supposed to gO see my graNdma wif him but we dEcidEd not to coz a bit TOo late.. and my arm was hurting.... Y pain? coz i fell down in the morNin... while bathing... daMn.... i sliPpeD after see the Stupid cOckrOach. i swEar if i eVer sEe it AgaIn, i'm goin to bE the LAst Person he'll Be SeeiN. my leFt aRM hurts even now. daMn daMn. hope i'm ok.. coz immediately after i fEll, i feLt giddy and waNted to vOmit..... but i DID NOT knock my HeaD! or at least i dun reMember knocking my heaD....
wEll back to where we weRe... so after acc him eAt dinner, we toOk the Bus HOme and he went home After sEnding me home. it wAs aLReady 11 + then... aFter tat i weNt out.... wif chrisTine and beth mum... HAppy birtHdaY~~~ haha.. sorRy ... ur bdaY gift was to waIt for me and help me find aH boy. tat sTupid dog ran out laSt nite... i'm now cRoss wif him and my sis in laW. ANGRY ANGRY. Forget it.
Then tOday..... wEnt out wif dada.... suppOse to go orchaRd... but not EnuGh time. coz he nEEd to go back caMp by 6.30 and then.... he only met me at 2++... so we went Bugis.. : ) then now, i'm home..... i jus hearD the stupid dog ran in from the kitChen. i bEt...... he did sumting therE again. DAMN. and i'm feELin sLpy now. hope maYbe laTer can go out...wan go clubbin agaIn... but must control myself not to gO... coz neEd to saVe moneY for my X70. haHa....yeS... it's mine... i'm proclaiming it... i'm goin to buy it sOON...... HEhehe.. hMM... canot tok to my dada untiL monday. coz he's goin to sum other camp then canot bring phone.. so sad... gona miss him a lot...
ah... goin to reSt... bye bye... keep u updaTed SOon.. hehe...

Thursday, December 11, 2003

heLLo Hello... i'm kinda spEechleSs.. duno wat to blog.. coz work's the saMe.... then nothing much haPpening..... tat's y..... nothing much to sAy...
today's a rainy day... rain and rain and rain..... aRh... i got umbrella.. but my pants still wet... coz of the big wInd... and the big pudDle of wATER!!!!!! argHz..... stupid.. but it was on my way home.. so nvM.... haha.. if it was morning on my way to work, i Swear i be fReeZing to deaTh in the office...... it's sO cold!!!
yeah..... the wK's ending.... hahaha..... i'm like hoping for it to end so sOon... y? coz workin is tirIng..... not Enough slp ALl the time..... so sLpy.... only can stone in the ofFice.. canOt slp there..... hahaha... aiyah..... duno wat to sAy...
nvm... prAy for me sat can go orchard yeaH? heehee.. goin to waTch tV alreAdy.. after tat mop floor then slp.... bye bloggy~

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

aIyeh..... stupid bloggEr... aLwaYs got prob. See la.. i forgOt wat i wan to blog yesTerday..... Ahahhaha..... i onLy REmeMber.... my shoE sTrap caMe Off durin wOrk... then i had to waLk V Slow After work to buy neW sHoe.... haaha.. anything after tat? nothing mucH lor... life nowadaYs, wif work, leaVes v littLE time FOr me to spare for mySelf.
today...... wAT about tOday...... hmm..... leT me think.... oh wELl yeah... haha... i waS givEn a new taSk today... updAting of e-mails and contAct numbErs... and there's thousands of them....hahaha... one whole stack.... for Today only.. and there's more To come... mus finIsh by next wK.. so in the end, i juz sAt in fRont of the pc and kEy in all information.. no Games today... toO much things to do.. but aT leaSt a lot more better than nothing To Do... and worK ended at 5.30 today.. y so eaRLy? coz OCBC dinner and dancE tonite... faRni... hAving d&D on wKdaY nite.. ?!? stupid rite. haahaa.. then after tat i weNt to meet dada wif siao lin.. coz she also staY SengKAng.. she Acc me go waLk ROund firsT coz i'm tOo early.
Met up wIf dada then go sEe bEd.... hahaha.... never seE aNything at courts leh... then we wEnt to nOveNa.... i mean the furniture sHOp.... at hougaNg Plaza.... wah.. aLreaDy saW 2 tat we like... Oppz.. i mean i like... hahha.. we got the SamE Taste LA. goin to buy SOon.. v soon. then save MoneY for x70... Heheehehe...... gona log oFf sOon... so tired.... sTiLL neEd to mop fLoor..... oh Yeah.. i last ting.... i'm returnin ah boy to my bro...

Monday, December 08, 2003

blogGer faRked itself up laSt nite.... so i din manage To Blog.... hAhaha... wEll yesTerdaY waS A BoRIng Day for me. onlY nite tiME wAs thE bEsT...... hEhee...
Well, i dun haVe Anything to eAt for DinNer as usuaL.. so my deAresT dada came Down from wOrk and BougHt me dinneR..... how swEet and thoughtful of him... HEhe... but i tink i gOt him intO trOuble... coz he WeNt home aT 11+... got nagGed by hiS muM... sorRy daDa... dun sAy u dun reMembEr aNything. i know u dO... sorRy!!!!
tOday's WorK waS... not TOo much..... but bEtter than fridAy.. at least most of thE time i waS doin sumting. coz i tOk my time to dO it SlowLy... haha... then took traIn home Wif siao lin. oPps sorRy girl, speLt ur name wrOngly thE other time. dAda's havin Ot todAy. duno waT time wiLL he Be out... hopefuLLy soon... coz he's so tired... and now, there's this one thing i wana saY!
I sweAR i WAN taT X70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the brand new phone by paNasonic. Love At firsT siGht when i Saw it in Jay's MTV for nI ting dE daO... but tat PhOne is sO dAMn eX! $788 wif 2 yRs plaN!!! ReTaIL prIce $988... WOw...... if i use My Pay to buy, then i canot buy my bEd.... Yes. i'm buying a Queen sIze Bed. the One my Bro lefT bEhind is FauLtly... also, i dun hav money for my driving Praticals.. mus saVe agAin..... AIyEh.... hoW hOW??? haahha.... i dun cARe..... i WAN tat PHONE~!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 07, 2003

my back is awfuLLY itChy... it's red.. Haha... coz juz now no mood.... finisHed up the vodka at one go..... aiyeh.... haahaa.... now suffEring from the aFter effeCts. help help! hahaahaha...... i know.. u're gona Say serve u rite.. but Hey... i neEd to overcome this probLem! the doc taught me how to.. tat is to drink more Each daY! hAHahaha...
and u can't stop me from drinking wat i like. :P if i dun drink and overcome tis problem, neXt time i might get intO trouble! wat i mean? ok... u see.. now, i can't drink much coz of the rashes... so i can tAKe too much alcohol or i'll geT drunk. aNd if i dun tRain up, i might get dRunk in a pub in the neaR future.... and i cERtainly DUN WAN tat... not only bcoz of sAfety, also bCoz.... one wiLL look totaLLy aWfuL when dRuNk.... haahaa... simple aS tat... : )
ANd... i seriously neEd to haV fREnz who club....! i dun wan ppl to cum up to Me aNd teLL me they tOO old. u'll only bE old when u keEP Saying Tat.... rite? AgE aGE faSter.. giv troubLe to ursELf....
tat's all ... bit the tired. neEd go fasTer mop floOr then slp........ hehe.. bye!

Saturday, December 06, 2003

i jus finish 1 bottle of vodka lime, and the itch is cuming... no Mood. wan gO clubbing!!!!!!!!!!!!! anybody?????
today, dada cum find me. we rot a little at home first then we go tM. fiNally took picture. Now me sUper sian.bLastin my mp3 again... Now Playin 6th gate. Later duNo do wat. dada busy at his mum stALl.... haiz... haiz.....
clubbing anyone?????

Friday, December 05, 2003

HEll... i'm ExhausTed... wAs in the clubBinG mOOd earlier... but thEn stiLL no CompaNioN As usual... Now FeELin PrETty vExeD bY sOmE things..... juz wondering how loNg do wE hAv to giv in... when wiLL takeRS eVeR be saTisfieD? GiVers aRe tired...... rite?
enouGh of tat.. dun wan SOund like suM pRobleMaTic idiot thougH i am one... hahaha... tOday..... Work wAs..... daMN sIaNZ agaIn.. excePt tat the Few hrs after LucNh went by PrEtty fast... then... i changEd seat.. got this bLoodY seat by the dOor.. no PrivaCy.. aLong the AisLe... tis new SeAt sux like hELl... all bcoz ppl frOm top floor moviNg down.. so all temp staFfs hav to change to aNother corner Of the ofFIce. But one Gd thing... the Pc at the tablE, aLthough... not Gd.. but it HAs gAMES!! haha... quitE a feW too! GreAt...
well.... i'm not reALlly into the Bloggin moOd rIte now.. maYbe eYes closing or wat-so-eVer... jus wan to blog one thing... i meT up daDa today aGaIn! it waSn't planned. He was goin to Meet his Fren, the same fren i meT on sun, Lawson, at HougANg maLl... and i was goin there To aS wELl.. to buy top. so.... we DeCidEd to meEt up for A while lor... hahaa... sORry dada...hehe... i waS jus kiddin saying u were bisexuaL.... hehe... u know it urSelf rite.... :x haha... ok.. i dun wan to blog already.... v tired... bye

oh yeah.... nise went for tour aLready.. misS ya deaRie... tAke care and enjoy urSelf!

Thursday, December 04, 2003

LalaLAa...... hahaaha...... tEn pluS a bit Le.... goin to moP fLOor~ Haha.... i do this EveRyday... mus finiSh eVeRything by 10.45 then caLl dada.... haha.. tired. fEelin v tired. duno y toDAy xtReMeLy tiRed. FeLt so sLpy the Whole daY! And... teLl u sUmting..... i Skived liKE maD todAy... hahaha. Y? coz the SupervisOrS wanTed us to go tEst sum pcs. then aLl of thEm can't lOg on to the SYstEM. so Ended up, i sit There... stARe at the Pc.. waLk round... sIt down... toK a bit... then aFter that i wEnt bacK to WorK.. hahaha... coz i tot i couldn't FinIsh my woRk.. but who knows, i finish EveRytiNg!!! and for the nexT hr beFoRe i knoCk ofF, i WaS practicaLLy doin NothiNG! Hahaha...
coZ .. i'm excited.. At 4+, i waS already in the goin hoME mooD. coz i met dAda aFter wOrK.... hehehe... we had dInner togETher.. then nothing much la.. tok tok... all thaT la... then he wEnt HoMe at bout 9. i wAtched tV untiL now... sO goin to mOp the fLooR... bEfore that, i'm goin to tok bout the SupervisOrs! as PrOmisED~ hehe...
ok... in the cRedit CaRd department, there are ActuaLLY quitE a few suPervisOrs.. then, i'm undER... sharon i think... i duno la... there's alsO yvOnne, prisCillA, sok KhoOn. these arE the Few i KnOw... yVonne is a friendly mother-to-be.. v frIendly and she juz Reminds me of my Bio TeACher, mRs VivIaN tAn. i MisS her...haha... tokin to yvonne givs u the WaRmth fEelin.. haha... reaLLY!! then... there's priSciLLa, the one whom i rEported to when i Went for woRk... i din tok to her MucH. onLY the First day. she's like thOse high claSs ladies... hmm... nice bOdy.. AHaha.. oppz! i'm nOt perVErt! hehehe... not ToO bAd dResS sEnse... goes wif her Body.. veri ComplementinG...
then... there's sOk KhOon... a 'look-like-v-busy' lady.. haha... she's like aLways rushing heRe and there.. then she's frieNdly. hahaa..... the Above superVisOrs aRe the angeLs in the OfFice.. cuMin up neXt, is The DEvIL..........wAhaHAhaha.........
ShaRon.. the deviL..... she gives u NO reSt. once she notice tat u've got nothing to do, she aSk u to cum over .... and maKe sure u got Sumting To DO. And...... she's the onLY One aMong aLl who knows me who doEsn't know my naME! How FrEAking daMn irRitAtiN is taT? Dun change my nAMe. It doesn't sounds niCe in caNtoneSe. Weili. it's weili not wAIli! fReAK~! Ahaha..... HeaRd from xiaOling... she doesn't aLlow u to do ur own things even u've finish ur things. shE wANs u to bE alwaYs doin Sumtin... EeeWW... i cERtainly DislikE her To the corE......
and laSt but not LeAst, sumting i got to know TOday... adeline, xiaoling, phylis and i Are aLL Temp Staff.. and oUr laSt dAy is 31st DeC.. aLl together.... gueSs.. aFter tat, jamine and beE lan aRe reaLLy goin to Be.... v v busy.... loads of things to do.. coz... all ur HelpERs aRe aLready gone by then........
tat's aLl.... i bettEr get goin to moP the FLoor! hahha..... bye!

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

hee... i'm happy... coz i maNagE to find reaLLy long lost friends from primaRy sch in frIendstER! haha... miss them a lot esp those from membinA, p1-P4...hehe...
yeah.. i promise to say sumting bout collegues rite..... eh.. dun wOrry.. not gossips la... hehe.... well.... there are really veri nice and friendly ppl there........ eg. xiaoling, jaSmine, bee Lan and Adeline...
xiAO ling looks like huifEn.. duno y. she juz reMinds me of Her.... hahha then jaSmine, A veri patient laDy... she taugHt me how to do c.o.a... i hAd a hard time learning... and she's alwaYs praIsing me...wahaha... then.... bee lan.. v nice lady alsO... at firsT i tot she got sum prOb wif me coz she always gimme sum sorTa 'dirty look'. ahaha.. but then, i wAs soOoO wRoNg! she's v nice to me aS wELL! haha.. tot me to do quitE a number of things.. wiLLing to teAch me also... hahaha... laSt but not least, aDeline... v frIendly girL who sits besIdes me... but then.. u always tok to urSelf! tat freak me out the most... haha.. alwaYs heAR u counting those paper work.... : )
tat's for today.. tml i'm goin to touch on sum other ppl.. like... supervisors.. hAhaa.. (can u sensE the deviL??) hahaha.. okok.. tat's all... i'm prEttY tired.. neEd to mop floor as usUaL.. then slp.... hahha... tml's another daY of woRk...... !

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

wat is happening? is it my I.E or..... the blogger? i have no clue~ can't reaD any blogs... sumtimes even my own! i'm not goin to blog much... coz.. i tink i'm bit sick... tat's y after mopping floor, i'm goin to slp... if not tml canot go wOrk...
today's woRK was.... ok.. neXt post i tink i wana tok a bit bout my collegues.. haaha... tis post... i'm goin to say......
WOrKin in an environment that provides u wif a pc is greAt.... but if they do not provide inteRnet connection and they dEleTed ALL those gaMes..... it suX!!!!!!! ahahaha... suddenly i miss working aT grEendot.. coz i can cYber loaf there..... wahahha... stiLL can mSN..... haha... can suRf wEb.. play spidEr solitaire.. now.. canot.... haiz~~~~~ nvm.. i bought sum sweets and chocolate to the Office... hahaha...
okok.... tat's it.. goin off.. faSter mop faster slp..... : ) nite bloGgy.. nite dearies~ miss all of ya~~~~~~

Monday, December 01, 2003

i jus finish moppin floor.. Hahha.. tired. havin a headache now.. duno y. maYbe coz.. not eNugh slp. actually had it in the noon while working. but it went away. Now it's bAck. haha...
yesTerday, dada played M.I.A wif me agaIN... hmm... couldn't reaLly say so... coz i know where exactly he was and could expect wat he was doin. He wAS slping aT Home. Wahaha... as usuaL.. slp. haha.. but i din really bother to wake him up. coz i kneW he waS tired. imaGine u can slp while walkin... how tired is tat? i din do my usual 'at-least-30-missed calls' or 'mus-try-to-hit-99' stuff. heehee... tink it was less then 10. anyway, tis slpy head called me tis morning... he was worried tat i'll be late for work. but i woke up way before he called me.
so nice of him for explaining... but u can saVe tat my dear. haha.. i kneW it long ago that u went to meet ur LovER! (mR zhou GOng). it was really nice to hear tat u actually wanted to meEt me out last nite but u doze off... it doesn't matter tat u fell aslp. the thought maTTers most. but.... dun do it agaIn~ heehehe....
anyWAy, i tOOk a cab to work today.. coz i was goin to be late... then... work waS so great.. y? i was skiving all the waY~ ahahha.. till bout 3 + 4 in the noon. how cum? coz i haven get my password to log on to the system. tat's y canot do all the data update and all that CrediT CArd thingy. all i did was... simple stuff like... foldin letters... stamp letters.. photocopy documents.. all tat! haha.. aIyEh.. how i wish that password never cums.. wahaha.. dReam on yeah..
aFter work i went to buy sum stuff... like tissue papeR, shampoo aLl tat... do my own shoppin.. and... bought alcohol... on my own leGally for the first time from ntuc.. wAhahaha... and the auntie din ask to sEe my Ic... farni.. or do i looK old? haha.. i dun care.. it's late anyway.. i'm gona call dada.. and then get to slp sooN.. tml's another daY of wOrk... and i dun wan to waSte money taKe cab agaIn! hehe.. bYe bloggy. nite!