cAn i continue from where i left off last nite? pleAsE!!!!!!!
you know wAt... i'm reaLLY sILLY and dUMb to feLt like Tat lasT nite.......
I tot hE was upSEt..... and you know WAt......... he did it AgAIn! SURpiRsEd me... tis tIme.... not oNly my Eyes aLmost PoPpEd out... i swEaR my HeaRt did SKipped at least a beat or two...
WAt exactly happeNed was tat.. i caLled him... and he soundEd FrusTratEd.. he saId he'll cALl Me Later..... then... i waItEd aND waItEd... calLed him agaIn.... he stilL soundEd fRusTrated.. and frOm the bacKgrOund, i knew he waS at the Lift... and it waS 10.30.. i got kiNda wOrrIed.. wat could have haPpeNed? why did hE leaVe home so late? coz his usuaL hour for rePorting back caMp was... 10. i dIn maNaGe to aSK him coz he waNted to haNg up. saying thE saMe tiNg : " call you back later"
i cOntinue to wait till bout 10.45 coz i tot if he were to taKe A cab... he wLd hav reaChed by then.. then.... bout 10.48, he caLled me.. i wEnt to my parents rOom to tok coz... my parents were in the livIng RoOm.. v noisy pareNts i hav.. then he sounded kinda weird... askin me wheTher wld i like to seE him... ask me to close my eyes all tat.... then without a worD... he put my caLL on hold... i waLked out of the ROom... but beFore i stepPed out, i saw.... a taLl, sliM and dark shadOw.. ImpossibLe to be my dad's.. coz .... he's not talL and SLim in the FIrst place..... (meaNie mE)
theN i Looked up.... tHEre he waS! my daDA! OMG! wat's he doin here? i was StuNNed.. sHocKed.... surPrised.. and.. my heart stoppeD.. haa. onLy words that came out was : " how come u're here?" i reaLly canOt beLieve.... aFter like 15 mins.... thEn i recoVered from my shoCk.. haha... he aSk for StaY out... then he got it.... so... he caMe to suRprisE Me! coz... he prOmisEd sumtinG like tat during cHrIstmaS eve but he couldn't MaKe it. i had totaLLy forGotten about it.. but he reMembeRed... so here comes the SurPrise! Plus poiNt: i weNt to waIt for him outSide his cAmp yesterday... and also.... for surprisiNG him at tiMez... :D i was like thE HappiesT girL on eaRth last nite... mama.. hehe..... ovEr the moon!!!
wEnt to mEet zHou gong TogETher aT 11 coz he neEds to wAKe up aT 5.30... wah. daMn eaRLy.. so we woke up at 5.30..... prePaRe to go back camp. i Acc him back to camp... then he tOok the bus in while i took bus HomE.. i aCtuaLLy wanted to taKe the bus wif him, but he din wan me to.. reasOn Being :" there's too many guys.." haha.. so cuTE~~ anywayz.. i reached home and tok wif him for like... 5 mins.. then he had to faLl in.. while. i wEnt back to slp... Oppz.. hehe..
wOke up at round 12. lAzing on my bed. then my mum came in.. holding the Phone... surPrise aGain.. i mean... he called my house... haha.. kinda shocK. coz he alwaYs caLl my hP.... aRhz... Feel so... hmm... i duno how to describe.. haha... okieZ dokiez.. tat's all.. aLrigHt.... laTer neEd to go liBraRy.. siaNz.. thanks to those ProjeCts! then.... my forEver careless mum leFt her stuff aT home.. i got to bring them ovEr to her Office for her!!!!!!! my..... bugIs. so siaNZ! hAha... how i wish i haV a car now.. then i dun neEd to taKe bus... wif that long JourNeY to bugis..... hehe..... yeaHz. i'm still jumpinG arD wif my FinaL theory result slip. haha.. i'm flying alreADy... for all that happened yesterdaY...
Friday, January 30, 2004
Thursday, January 29, 2004
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
TireD. reaLly tired. agaIn.. haha. v V tired! woke up so eaRLy today. oh shit... haha. suddEnly reMEmber haven do mbS tutorial. haIz... so many things haven do.. arghZ! goin mad AlreaDy.
so hAPpy dada came to scH to meEt me today Again. we HaD paSta mAnia... yuMmY.. haven aTe tAt for sumtime.. Hee... wEll.. i'm tired to blog. Plus. watever haPpenEd later... is sUmting that i sTiLL wana dwELL in.... wAhahaz.. i wana go sLp Soon.....
tAKe care pPlz... MizZ ya aLL. muah.... haahaa
so hAPpy dada came to scH to meEt me today Again. we HaD paSta mAnia... yuMmY.. haven aTe tAt for sumtime.. Hee... wEll.. i'm tired to blog. Plus. watever haPpenEd later... is sUmting that i sTiLL wana dwELL in.... wAhahaz.. i wana go sLp Soon.....
tAKe care pPlz... MizZ ya aLL. muah.... haahaa
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
i'm so tireD....... my eyEs are gona Close! haVen bEen slping WeLL for MaNy MaNy days. insomNia? i duno... Anywayz, i haD a supeRB pLeaSaNt daY Today... weLl.. excEpt fOr Tat ToilEt incIdEnt.
Well.. all starteD wif my deaRest dada.. who liEd to me... juz to SuRprIse me. wElL yeS. i WaS suPer surpRise. sEriouS. When i saW him at thE bus STop, i swEar my eYeS ALMosT poPpEd out.. Haha.. had bReaKfaSt in sch TOGether whiLe waIting For mama...
WeNt for claSseS as Per NoRMaL.. thanks mama.. for Those aRticles.. fEel so.. paIsEh.z. hehe.. we sKiPped CDs AGAIN. haahaa. waT Can i sAy... skiPpin CDS is sO... nothing to me. haha.
AfTer sCh.. wEnt to daDA's PlaCe... so scaRy. haa.. i'm sCared.. sCaRedy cat.. wateVer u call it... coz hiS mum thouGHt PrEtty.. but stern LooKin.. When i wENt up, his mum waS not ArD. his daD waS pLayIng MahJoNg. then... whEn we're bout tO LeaVe, His muM cAMe back.. so paiseH! no briNg orAnges ... she stiLL gaVe me ANg BaO..
theN we wEnt paya lebaR aReA.. neaR geYlang. dada Met his FrEnz for CS. beLieVe it Or not... i waS so tirEd... i fELl aSlp wAtching him play. those noisY EnvirOnmEnt... doesn't seEMs to aFfEct me..... Woke up by the sudDeN jerKs of da.. coz he plaYing CS Ma.. exciting. after gaMiNg, we're SupposEd to go home.. we waLkeD to the geYlaNd rd there tO take cab.. cOz there eaSier to fetcH cab than PaYa lebaR. oPp us.. waS one... shop.. seLlin sMelly beancurD (CHou DouFu).
we wEnt to tRY it Out. My FirsT time..... eAtIng sumting tat smeLLs likE **** hahaha... but it doesn't taste Tat bad! hahha.. had A v FiLLing laTe dinneR then dada paCkeT somE sMeLly beAncurD home FOr his Mum... then...... now.. i'm hOme.. stiLL feeLin super tired. waIting for Dada to come back onLine..
GoOd nite bloggy....
Well.. all starteD wif my deaRest dada.. who liEd to me... juz to SuRprIse me. wElL yeS. i WaS suPer surpRise. sEriouS. When i saW him at thE bus STop, i swEar my eYeS ALMosT poPpEd out.. Haha.. had bReaKfaSt in sch TOGether whiLe waIting For mama...
WeNt for claSseS as Per NoRMaL.. thanks mama.. for Those aRticles.. fEel so.. paIsEh.z. hehe.. we sKiPped CDs AGAIN. haahaa. waT Can i sAy... skiPpin CDS is sO... nothing to me. haha.
AfTer sCh.. wEnt to daDA's PlaCe... so scaRy. haa.. i'm sCared.. sCaRedy cat.. wateVer u call it... coz hiS mum thouGHt PrEtty.. but stern LooKin.. When i wENt up, his mum waS not ArD. his daD waS pLayIng MahJoNg. then... whEn we're bout tO LeaVe, His muM cAMe back.. so paiseH! no briNg orAnges ... she stiLL gaVe me ANg BaO..
theN we wEnt paya lebaR aReA.. neaR geYlang. dada Met his FrEnz for CS. beLieVe it Or not... i waS so tirEd... i fELl aSlp wAtching him play. those noisY EnvirOnmEnt... doesn't seEMs to aFfEct me..... Woke up by the sudDeN jerKs of da.. coz he plaYing CS Ma.. exciting. after gaMiNg, we're SupposEd to go home.. we waLkeD to the geYlaNd rd there tO take cab.. cOz there eaSier to fetcH cab than PaYa lebaR. oPp us.. waS one... shop.. seLlin sMelly beancurD (CHou DouFu).
we wEnt to tRY it Out. My FirsT time..... eAtIng sumting tat smeLLs likE **** hahaha... but it doesn't taste Tat bad! hahha.. had A v FiLLing laTe dinneR then dada paCkeT somE sMeLly beAncurD home FOr his Mum... then...... now.. i'm hOme.. stiLL feeLin super tired. waIting for Dada to come back onLine..
GoOd nite bloggy....
Sunday, January 25, 2004
You are guided by light. While all can be bad
around you, you still stay calm and make things
better. There aren't a lot of people in the
world like you.
What force is your soul?
brought to you by Quizilla
had a stupiD day. all tHe way tiLL evening. plans tat wEre maDe PrevioUsLy had to be caLLed off duE to unforEsEen circuMstANces. SpENt the whoLe afTeRnOon waItIng aNd waIting... tiLL my PaTiAnce ReaChed its LiMit.. aNd i bLeW My TOp. wTF.
tiLL eveninG.. finaLly tHe wAit waS wOrThwHiLe... Hmmz.z.. let me juz.. KeEP tis day to mysELf... hAhz.....
dada: miSs u Loads... so glad u knOw me wELl to say that i sHlD knOw the aNswEr. sMuACkz..... lovE ya.
Rain: You are the sound of rain. You have two
important sides. There is your strong, powerful
side and your calm, gentle side. Both are very
important. Rain also reflects a bit of darkness
in your personality. It isn't bad, just shows
that along with the good, you also can see bad,
which can come in handy. (please rate my quiz)
What Sound Are You?(now w/ pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
tiLL eveninG.. finaLly tHe wAit waS wOrThwHiLe... Hmmz.z.. let me juz.. KeEP tis day to mysELf... hAhz.....
dada: miSs u Loads... so glad u knOw me wELl to say that i sHlD knOw the aNswEr. sMuACkz..... lovE ya.
Rain: You are the sound of rain. You have two
important sides. There is your strong, powerful
side and your calm, gentle side. Both are very
important. Rain also reflects a bit of darkness
in your personality. It isn't bad, just shows
that along with the good, you also can see bad,
which can come in handy. (please rate my quiz)
What Sound Are You?(now w/ pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, January 23, 2004
Your wings are BROKEN and tattered. You are
an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for
one reason or another - possibly, you made one
tragic mistake that cost you everything. Or
maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't
commit. In any case, you are faithless and
joyless. You find no happiness, love, or
acceptance in your love or in yourself. Most
days are a burden and you wonder when the
hurting will end. Sweet, beautiful and
sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching
picture. You are the one that few understand.
Those that do know you are likely to love you
deeply and wish that they could do something to
ease your pain. You are constantly living in
memories of better times and a better world.
You are hard on yourself and self-critical or
self-loathing. Feeling rejected and unloved,
you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite
your tainted nature, your soul is
breathtakingly beautiful.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
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you are the "you suck, and that's sad"
happy bunny. your truthful, but can be a bit
which happy bunny are you?
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Dark shadow. Something has drawn you into darkness
in the past, and you're now trying to get out
of it. The darkness is already inside you, and
getting it out will be hard, but if you try,
maybe one day you can be who you want to be
again. Don't give in!!!
What kind of dark person are you?
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Lonliness dominates you. You can hide it well, but
its there, and your friends can see it. You
constantly feel alone, and need to do things to
fill your time. Your afraid to tell people
this, but sooner or later it gets out in a bad
way, and you think you screwed up everything.
And when you are in love is when you are sad
the most.
What Emotion Dominates you?
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this two.. have... waT shld i say... reSults.. that speaks everything for me...
WOW!! Good job! You know as much about Middle Earth
as I do!! Finally, someone who knows Middle
Earth! Most people think they know everything
there is to know about Middle earth just by
watching the movies! HAH!! well keep up the
good work! ( I wouldn't be surprised if you are
learning elvish!! ) RATE MY QUIZ!!
*~* The TOUGHEST Lord Of The Rings Quiz *~* [with pictures!]
brought to you by Quizilla
You are going to Marry orlando Bloom. He will
always treat you right and is very romantic. He
will do anything for you. He is very polite and
has deep brown eyes and is very good looking
(which is another plus!). He can make anythind
cheesy look really good (like sliding down
stairs on a shield shooting arrows or wearing
pointy ears for example). Congrats!!
Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (10 results that have pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
hOw farni is the aBove quiz... Lol!
haRLow. sEcond daY of CNY. yesterday first DAy.... hMm... woke up aT 12+ then go prePare.... then bAi nian wIf my PareNts... afTer tat wEnt to my graNdmother's house... all the unlce aunties... all i dun like one..... hahaha... except for one auntIe. aIya... i juz dun like my father's SidE of ReLaTives.
then went to one of my ex prI sCh mate's hse... hER paRents and uncLe aRe my father's sWorn bRo. we go there Every yeaR. then aFter tat go aMk.. my aH Ma's housE.. mum's Side... who waTched me Grew up. tat explains why i'm closEr to tHem. When reaChed there... da called me.... decide to join me.. hehe... bAI niaN wif my aH Ma.... and UncLe.. then wE left to go Godma's house... coz.. jus kor and Godma wan to sEe da.. so he caMe along...
leFt aT 7.30 we weNt to bKt paNjANg.. my cousin's plaCe.. da came aLong.. coz he prOmised my parents.. haHa.. wEnt there togEther in my uncLe's veHicle.. da was slping Tru-Out tHe whole journEy.. my god. haha... then had dinneR.. brought my litTLe cousIn and niece down to the PlaYgRd. da and i weRe juz watching them haPPily enjoying theMseLves.. kids.... so Cute... haha...
tAt waS my firsT day of CNY. busy day la.. today. most prOb.... bOrIng... there's nothing to do..... nowherE to go.... perhaps.. gOna do my asSIgnmeNt aLready.!
then went to one of my ex prI sCh mate's hse... hER paRents and uncLe aRe my father's sWorn bRo. we go there Every yeaR. then aFter tat go aMk.. my aH Ma's housE.. mum's Side... who waTched me Grew up. tat explains why i'm closEr to tHem. When reaChed there... da called me.... decide to join me.. hehe... bAI niaN wif my aH Ma.... and UncLe.. then wE left to go Godma's house... coz.. jus kor and Godma wan to sEe da.. so he caMe along...
leFt aT 7.30 we weNt to bKt paNjANg.. my cousin's plaCe.. da came aLong.. coz he prOmised my parents.. haHa.. wEnt there togEther in my uncLe's veHicle.. da was slping Tru-Out tHe whole journEy.. my god. haha... then had dinneR.. brought my litTLe cousIn and niece down to the PlaYgRd. da and i weRe juz watching them haPPily enjoying theMseLves.. kids.... so Cute... haha...
tAt waS my firsT day of CNY. busy day la.. today. most prOb.... bOrIng... there's nothing to do..... nowherE to go.... perhaps.. gOna do my asSIgnmeNt aLready.!
Thursday, January 22, 2004
GOng xi fA caI! hEhehe... tis is the year of MonKey. heard tat it's gD for those borN in Yr of Ox... a Big difF from laSt Year wheRE bAd luck wAs tru-out The whoLE yEAr.. ReALly wish myself gD lucK!
i'm sO haPPy... coz... todaY. or raTher Yesterday.. havin bus sTats tutoriaL, my DearesT da came to scH to surPrise me! wahz..... i'm reALLY suRpriSEd. he was supposed to end at 12. enD up 10++ so he Came from camp to Tp... waitEd outside the TutoriaL rM for me.. so happy rite.. over the moOn.. heHE...
Went.... waLk rouNd.. so CrowdEd.. saw my BrO at Tm while crosSIn the RoaD.. waLkEd round sumore beFore goin home.. had An ExtrEMely FiLLLin reunioin DinneR.. so fuLL tat i was burPing all the waY until 12am! wAh.. it's like.... 2 hRs... my stomAch is stiLL bloaTed now...
DunO goin to receIve how many aNg poWs tis year. my Bro not sTaying wif us, make me feeL so sian... coz now no more ComPanion When wE Go visIting. left me alone!!! arghz... haha....
i'm sO haPPy... coz... todaY. or raTher Yesterday.. havin bus sTats tutoriaL, my DearesT da came to scH to surPrise me! wahz..... i'm reALLY suRpriSEd. he was supposed to end at 12. enD up 10++ so he Came from camp to Tp... waitEd outside the TutoriaL rM for me.. so happy rite.. over the moOn.. heHE...
Went.... waLk rouNd.. so CrowdEd.. saw my BrO at Tm while crosSIn the RoaD.. waLkEd round sumore beFore goin home.. had An ExtrEMely FiLLLin reunioin DinneR.. so fuLL tat i was burPing all the waY until 12am! wAh.. it's like.... 2 hRs... my stomAch is stiLL bloaTed now...
DunO goin to receIve how many aNg poWs tis year. my Bro not sTaying wif us, make me feeL so sian... coz now no more ComPanion When wE Go visIting. left me alone!!! arghz... haha....
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )
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Congratulations!! You're a shot of some good old
hard liquor!
What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
You're chocolate. You're the old soul type, people
feel that they have known you their entire
life. Many often open up to you for they view
you as thoughtful and trustworthy. Although
people trust you, you have a hard time trusting
them. You prefer to keep your feelings bottled
up inside, or display them very quietly. It is
alright to open up every once in a while.
Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Congratulations! You're Pippin!
Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
hi... Havin MBS tutorial now. no book canot do access. boring. gd thing see-toh.. hahaha.... bit the sian. nothing to do.. so blogging.. hiakz hIaKz.
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, January 19, 2004
Your element is Water. You are a deep person and a
good communicator. Incredibably loving and
loyal when your trust is gained and you are
fairly mature.Myterious to the utmost water is
in everything. One can be an Ocean or a river
but nobody truly knows you.
What's your element
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You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're the sad smile,the one that regrets nearly
everything and is constantly wondering about
what could have been.You're not happy with your
situation and usually blame yourself because of
the bad things that have happened.Cheer up.
What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
halo. in sch now... so tireD... din hav enough slp. woke up at 6.45 when da called. wanted to get back to slp but can't. onli nap for like 5 mins then gotta GeT up. indeed the neW bEd is CoMfy.. wahaaha...
now in lab waiting for nise to finish printing the mbs tutorials.. then later go buy sum things to munch on while waiting for CDS... stupid cDs.. starts at 6 and ends at 7. plus tat stupid lecturer... who's always late and reading straight from the notes.. makes it boring.. but it's life science... not so bad la.. maybe later go meet christine and beth. coz beth wan shop.. but i'm so damN brOKe...
now in lab waiting for nise to finish printing the mbs tutorials.. then later go buy sum things to munch on while waiting for CDS... stupid cDs.. starts at 6 and ends at 7. plus tat stupid lecturer... who's always late and reading straight from the notes.. makes it boring.. but it's life science... not so bad la.. maybe later go meet christine and beth. coz beth wan shop.. but i'm so damN brOKe...
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You?
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What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Your Heart is Red
What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla
You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.
What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla
i'm so tired now. had a long long day... woke up at 7+, duno y. went back to slp again. till 9+ da called... then can't get to slp anymore. but i bloody hell like slpt at 3 last nite. watched tv till 1 then went to finish up ALL my tutorials... finisH aLreaDy... then onLine.. chat wif pig head.....
went to bathe at 6+. Met da to go collect my jeans. went to library for a while... so cold... bought sum stuff... bread... eaT.... then da went back for awhile. waited for him then head home...
aHz.. my new bed's so cOmfy tat da juz FeLl aslp tokin to me... haha.... then woke up at 11+ and went hOme.. i'm so tired.. gona slp sOOn... Hiakz hIaKz
went to bathe at 6+. Met da to go collect my jeans. went to library for a while... so cold... bought sum stuff... bread... eaT.... then da went back for awhile. waited for him then head home...
aHz.. my new bed's so cOmfy tat da juz FeLl aslp tokin to me... haha.... then woke up at 11+ and went hOme.. i'm so tired.. gona slp sOOn... Hiakz hIaKz
Sunday, January 18, 2004
C major - the simplest key. You are content with
where you are now, you have what you need. Some
people are happy in C major, but it is up to
you to decide to push yourself further if you
want more from your life.
what key signature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
"You must remember this, a kiss is still a
kiss". Your romance is Casablanca. A
classic story of love in trying times, chock
full of both cynicism and hope. You obviously
believe in true love, but you're also
constantly aware of practicality and societal
expectations. That's not always fun, but at
least it's realistic. Try not to let the Nazis
get you down too much.
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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ah.... got home last nite from beans at duno wat time... can't slp coz got to mop floor. wAh.. been ages since i mopped floor... haha... mop because i need to lay the maTteress on the floor for the nite... my old bed frame's ouTTa the house alreaDy. : )
slpt at bout 3 or 3+ can't reaLLy remember.. woke up at 7+ to call da... then went back to slp... alL the way tiLL 12.. haa.. yeah... u got it rite! i din go for band praCtise agAIn.. aCtually i see no point goin coz they havin speeCh day rehersaL.. and i duno wat time it's endIng. no point for me to traVel down for mayBe 1 hr then go home rite... if neXt praCtice is wholly on the conCert... then i shALL appear...... hiaKZ hIakZ...
plaYed onLine poOl wif da.. and chatTed wif Pig heaD on the net untIL aBout 2.30 or so... went to meet da.. went comPaSs point to buy jeans... collect tml.. coz my legs too shorT la.... neEd alteration. tHen we wEnt AMk.. da wan to buy his weekly comic magazine.. after tat walk round.. then had lunch aT mos burGer. wEnt aRcade... race daytona... my fav.. : D play sum games.. da try to "catch" a doll for me from tat machine... no LucK.. then the delivery guy called...
rusHed home.. waIted for the bed to cum... fiNaLLy.... it came... hehe.... slack around... till 11+ then da wEnt home... tml da's helpin his mum out... while... i shld be doin my tutorials alreaDy... enjoYed my wKend. then mus rEMembEr to colleCt my JeaNz... yawnz* i'm tired...... goin to slp soOn... check out the *thoughts* column... = )
slpt at bout 3 or 3+ can't reaLLy remember.. woke up at 7+ to call da... then went back to slp... alL the way tiLL 12.. haa.. yeah... u got it rite! i din go for band praCtise agAIn.. aCtually i see no point goin coz they havin speeCh day rehersaL.. and i duno wat time it's endIng. no point for me to traVel down for mayBe 1 hr then go home rite... if neXt praCtice is wholly on the conCert... then i shALL appear...... hiaKZ hIakZ...
plaYed onLine poOl wif da.. and chatTed wif Pig heaD on the net untIL aBout 2.30 or so... went to meet da.. went comPaSs point to buy jeans... collect tml.. coz my legs too shorT la.... neEd alteration. tHen we wEnt AMk.. da wan to buy his weekly comic magazine.. after tat walk round.. then had lunch aT mos burGer. wEnt aRcade... race daytona... my fav.. : D play sum games.. da try to "catch" a doll for me from tat machine... no LucK.. then the delivery guy called...
rusHed home.. waIted for the bed to cum... fiNaLLy.... it came... hehe.... slack around... till 11+ then da wEnt home... tml da's helpin his mum out... while... i shld be doin my tutorials alreaDy... enjoYed my wKend. then mus rEMembEr to colleCt my JeaNz... yawnz* i'm tired...... goin to slp soOn... check out the *thoughts* column... = )
Friday, January 16, 2004
today... is a day that i swear i will never ever forget for the rest of my life. Apart from it being a great day.. it was also a day.. i almost died of embarassment.
i woke up upon receiving a missed call by da. then was doin sum crazy stuff.. ok.. tryin to act mad in front of my mum. then went for driving lesson.. duno wat's wrong wif me.. wasn't really concentrating. got the engine staLLed 3 times. i was like... shit. wat the fuck sia... die lor... then those house movers vehicles were parked along the single lane road... and there was an oncoming vehicle.. wah laoz.. so panick. then.... went onto the main road today.. quite interestin... cool.. juz a bit the scary. coz first time ma. sure nervous. lesson ended at 2.30. next lesson will be on 6/2/2004. coz mr aw going for holiday on 25/1/2004 and will only be back on first of feb.... haiz!
After lesson went to bugis.. bought game for da. then... hint my mum i wan buy levis jeans.. haha.. she gave me 100 bucks. but i haven buy. maybe buy tml or wat. after tat went to meet da outside his camp. wanted to surprise him... but he knows..... haha.. too bad.... then he acc me to take my advance... saw his fren there.. also takin advance.. same same.. went in... took my paper... came out before 8... wah.. fast rite... thanks to mr aw's manual.. helped me alot. then we went for dinner. at sum part in yio chu kang..yumMy! the sting ray is nice.... nice nice.... yum yUm! haaa... then after tat we walked to take bus home... we were chatting.... fond memories.. then.. took bus to sengkang.. took the lift wif was v late. he couldn't send me home. so instead i send him home! haha.... tat's when...... the MOST eMbarassing thing haPPened.
We wEre caught in the Act..... ALaMAK!!!!! by da's paRents.... no no no. we weren't doin any hanky panky.. juz gd bye hugs and kiss u know.. simple as tat... thanks to da for using his leg to stop the lift door.... and.... caught in the act.... aRHz... i swear if not for da, i would had juz jumped off 8 storeys.. aLmost.... died of embarassment... arghz... duno where to put my facE!!!!!!!
now going out to mr bean cafe... goin la kopi.. duno wat time reach home... wonder if i can ever make it for morning's band praCtice...
i woke up upon receiving a missed call by da. then was doin sum crazy stuff.. ok.. tryin to act mad in front of my mum. then went for driving lesson.. duno wat's wrong wif me.. wasn't really concentrating. got the engine staLLed 3 times. i was like... shit. wat the fuck sia... die lor... then those house movers vehicles were parked along the single lane road... and there was an oncoming vehicle.. wah laoz.. so panick. then.... went onto the main road today.. quite interestin... cool.. juz a bit the scary. coz first time ma. sure nervous. lesson ended at 2.30. next lesson will be on 6/2/2004. coz mr aw going for holiday on 25/1/2004 and will only be back on first of feb.... haiz!
After lesson went to bugis.. bought game for da. then... hint my mum i wan buy levis jeans.. haha.. she gave me 100 bucks. but i haven buy. maybe buy tml or wat. after tat went to meet da outside his camp. wanted to surprise him... but he knows..... haha.. too bad.... then he acc me to take my advance... saw his fren there.. also takin advance.. same same.. went in... took my paper... came out before 8... wah.. fast rite... thanks to mr aw's manual.. helped me alot. then we went for dinner. at sum part in yio chu kang..yumMy! the sting ray is nice.... nice nice.... yum yUm! haaa... then after tat we walked to take bus home... we were chatting.... fond memories.. then.. took bus to sengkang.. took the lift wif was v late. he couldn't send me home. so instead i send him home! haha.... tat's when...... the MOST eMbarassing thing haPPened.
We wEre caught in the Act..... ALaMAK!!!!! by da's paRents.... no no no. we weren't doin any hanky panky.. juz gd bye hugs and kiss u know.. simple as tat... thanks to da for using his leg to stop the lift door.... and.... caught in the act.... aRHz... i swear if not for da, i would had juz jumped off 8 storeys.. aLmost.... died of embarassment... arghz... duno where to put my facE!!!!!!!
now going out to mr bean cafe... goin la kopi.. duno wat time reach home... wonder if i can ever make it for morning's band praCtice...
Thursday, January 15, 2004
OMG..... OMG...... OMG..... i'm aMazEd. OvERwhELMed. It Was aN eYe opeNER for ME. what were you thinking of? dun tink haywire. hehe.. wat happened was tat i weNt over to da's place juz now after acc my mum to get her new Hp togEther wif my family. sOunds prEttY faRni. one perSon gettIn hp, whole faMilY go tOgeTher... tat includes my faTher, my bRo, my sis in law, my mum of coz.. and me.
Now then i know tat ...... da is so BRiLLiANt and taLeNteD in comIc ScripTs dRaWing... They reaLLy lookeD aWesOmE! sum of TheM looKEd Like prInt outs or PhotOcopieD Prints... but ALL aRe dRaWn bY him... MY GOD... ThEY reALLY LookeD so gReAt. i tink hE could Juz Go do comic scRipts draWing.. not english ones... those Chinese, taIwan ones or the JaP Ones.. i'm sooOO imPrEssed..
wEll yesterday.. i was bAd.. i feLt bad.. coz i juz left mama and zhen shopping on their own... i went to meEt da... nothing much. i sumhow juz enjoy.. strolling wif him... chatting away... laughing away... it's juz great..
aNywAyz.. i'm juz lost of words now.. coz.. i'm... watever... i mean i duno juz wana wish tat everybody is happy.... nise, na*, zhen and die also will never forget.... mama.... hehehe........
Now then i know tat ...... da is so BRiLLiANt and taLeNteD in comIc ScripTs dRaWing... They reaLLy lookeD aWesOmE! sum of TheM looKEd Like prInt outs or PhotOcopieD Prints... but ALL aRe dRaWn bY him... MY GOD... ThEY reALLY LookeD so gReAt. i tink hE could Juz Go do comic scRipts draWing.. not english ones... those Chinese, taIwan ones or the JaP Ones.. i'm sooOO imPrEssed..
wEll yesterday.. i was bAd.. i feLt bad.. coz i juz left mama and zhen shopping on their own... i went to meEt da... nothing much. i sumhow juz enjoy.. strolling wif him... chatting away... laughing away... it's juz great..
aNywAyz.. i'm juz lost of words now.. coz.. i'm... watever... i mean i duno juz wana wish tat everybody is happy.... nise, na*, zhen and die also will never forget.... mama.... hehehe........
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
haiz.. so sian. lab closing soon. faster blog abit. silly da having ot tonight again. tot if i skip cds maybe can go look for him. but ot. so sianz.. pek chek. duno y. hope he friday no ot. coz he promised to acc me to go for my advance. really hope he can go wif me.. i dun wana go to that damn place alone.. esp if i'm havin my theory... haiz... tok to him later.. c how.
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
harlow... in school now. havin MBS. stupidly boring lesson. haha. havin see-toh as tutor. he forever wif his tryin to be farni stuff. wif names like wat ding dong all the shit. lookin at my new class... bit the sianz.. duno wat to say. maybe not used to it yet. hopefully will get use soon. so broke. bought bus stats textbook today. and shared mbs text wif mama. spent like 38 dollars... no money already. my m1 bill due on 15 is $129++... wat the hell. where am i goin to find all the money? then my another handphone bill... $41++ also haven pay. haiz. still need to pay for the balance amt left for the bed. my bloody damn account is left wif less then 50 bucks. screw it. still need to buy one more bottom for the CNY and maybe a bag and a pair of shoes.
It's only tuesday today. still a long way to go before the wkend comes. silly boy having OT tonite. will only be out at 7.30. too bad. nvm... hope he wun hav OT on thurs. hopefully. aRgHZ. fReAK. SIANZ
It's only tuesday today. still a long way to go before the wkend comes. silly boy having OT tonite. will only be out at 7.30. too bad. nvm... hope he wun hav OT on thurs. hopefully. aRgHZ. fReAK. SIANZ
Monday, January 12, 2004
i'm hell of a serious paranoid case. i've come to realise tat i can't be alone for too long and yet tis is the case for me. Whenever i'm left alone my mind staRts to wonder. then, i'll be thinking of all the shitty stuff. i sEriously need to get sumone to help me get out of this state before i go mad. i WILL go mad if this goes on. No joke.
My life waS turNed upside down over the wkEnd. I was living tru heLl. tOturous hours. i really wanted to quit. even till nOw... the thought still lingers in my mind. i juz fucking hell think too much. WAY TOO MUCH. i tried not to. but it's impossible. becoz watever that causes the thinking had already place a tremendously heavy stone in my heart. the root's too deep to be pull out. it's not the right time to pull it out yet i guess.
If you ask me why i've been drinking, to tell you the truth. tat's because i'm down. whenever i'm down, i'll grab the bottle of vodka and gulp it down. i duno if it helps. but at least, i don't do silly things. (mama will know wat i mean) i may entertain such tots. but sumhow, even if i start, i'll stop soon. coz i guess the alcohol will be having its effect on me by then. maybe... i shld say sumthing... u knw i enjoy clubbing. but there are certain reasons why i wana go clubbing. It's Either i'm haPpy and i have the mood for that and i wan to enjoy life OR i'm down. i neeD to let everything out. it does works for me. u wonder y i dance non stop for hours... i'm juz letting everything out. i also duno y am i bloggin this down. dun ask me.
I'm seriously tired of living. DAys are harder to get by. speakin of which, it's the first time tat i can't see myself goin anywhere. i mean... i dun see myself doin wat i shld do. i wonder if i ever live past CNY. if i do... i'm lucky. if i dun... juz my luck. watever shit. i really can't be bothered wif sch. i juz hope to stay happy. i miss those happy days in life. of coz... i miss those shared memories. *tired*
My life waS turNed upside down over the wkEnd. I was living tru heLl. tOturous hours. i really wanted to quit. even till nOw... the thought still lingers in my mind. i juz fucking hell think too much. WAY TOO MUCH. i tried not to. but it's impossible. becoz watever that causes the thinking had already place a tremendously heavy stone in my heart. the root's too deep to be pull out. it's not the right time to pull it out yet i guess.
If you ask me why i've been drinking, to tell you the truth. tat's because i'm down. whenever i'm down, i'll grab the bottle of vodka and gulp it down. i duno if it helps. but at least, i don't do silly things. (mama will know wat i mean) i may entertain such tots. but sumhow, even if i start, i'll stop soon. coz i guess the alcohol will be having its effect on me by then. maybe... i shld say sumthing... u knw i enjoy clubbing. but there are certain reasons why i wana go clubbing. It's Either i'm haPpy and i have the mood for that and i wan to enjoy life OR i'm down. i neeD to let everything out. it does works for me. u wonder y i dance non stop for hours... i'm juz letting everything out. i also duno y am i bloggin this down. dun ask me.
I'm seriously tired of living. DAys are harder to get by. speakin of which, it's the first time tat i can't see myself goin anywhere. i mean... i dun see myself doin wat i shld do. i wonder if i ever live past CNY. if i do... i'm lucky. if i dun... juz my luck. watever shit. i really can't be bothered wif sch. i juz hope to stay happy. i miss those happy days in life. of coz... i miss those shared memories. *tired*
Sunday, January 11, 2004
haizz.... had a sucky noon today... had a horrible Mood swing... Big tHanks and apPreciaTion to "aunty". wEnt drinking again.. dRank 3/4 boTtle of my voDka rapsberry in leSs Then halF An hOur. waT The hELL.. it smeLLs like sum couGh syRup. luckily it doesn't taste Tat baD.... but i'll stiLL prefer MY vodKa LiMe...
things got Better in the late noon.. argHz.... scRew those stuFF..... dun wanA tinK about It anymore. spoileRs. enjoyed playing gaMes in the arcaDe wif dada...
wellll........ BaSically.... tat's my whole day la... quite sucky....
things got Better in the late noon.. argHz.... scRew those stuFF..... dun wanA tinK about It anymore. spoileRs. enjoyed playing gaMes in the arcaDe wif dada...
wellll........ BaSically.... tat's my whole day la... quite sucky....
Friday, January 09, 2004
i'm tired again. Haha... had a not so long but still long day today. woke up at 5+ when i recEivEd a msg. then da called me at 6. chat till 7 then wEnt back to slp again. until 10+ woke up. prePaRed myself for my driving lesson. quite early la. but i juz can't slp any longer.
ReaCheD Yck at 12+++ Mr Aw not There Yet... waited tiLl 1 then He appear. leSson was a litTle borIng at first. coz he WAs explaining things which i mostly know. then it got exciTing When i gEt to drIve. haha. maKing rounds using gear 1 then later 2. learnt a bit of u-turning. inTeresTing. uncLe said "sUi" ahaaha.. means beautiful in hoKkien. then he said i learn quite fast... later he no money eaRn. ahaha... i really enjoy driving. great.
After lesson, Went Tamp to loOk for my mum. brought her to swEnsens for lunch. a v fiLLing one. then went to surPrisE da at his camp. hehe. surprise surprise rite.. hope he's happy. then went to order my bed at NOvena FurnitUre shop. onli will come on 17th coz they too maNy deliveries to make. haIz.. but ok La.. bear wif it for one More wEek onLy.
which then reminds me tat.. my aDvance is juz one wk away. and... uncle sold me a manual.. haha. final theory manual. got 410 Qns inside. do all will sure pass. da was telling me about tis bk also.. but canot be found in stores. after i pass my advance, i'll be giving the manual to da. coz he wan to collect. haha.. giv him lor. ONLY after i pass. : ) wish me good luck!
ReaCheD Yck at 12+++ Mr Aw not There Yet... waited tiLl 1 then He appear. leSson was a litTle borIng at first. coz he WAs explaining things which i mostly know. then it got exciTing When i gEt to drIve. haha. maKing rounds using gear 1 then later 2. learnt a bit of u-turning. inTeresTing. uncLe said "sUi" ahaaha.. means beautiful in hoKkien. then he said i learn quite fast... later he no money eaRn. ahaha... i really enjoy driving. great.
After lesson, Went Tamp to loOk for my mum. brought her to swEnsens for lunch. a v fiLLing one. then went to surPrisE da at his camp. hehe. surprise surprise rite.. hope he's happy. then went to order my bed at NOvena FurnitUre shop. onli will come on 17th coz they too maNy deliveries to make. haIz.. but ok La.. bear wif it for one More wEek onLy.
which then reminds me tat.. my aDvance is juz one wk away. and... uncle sold me a manual.. haha. final theory manual. got 410 Qns inside. do all will sure pass. da was telling me about tis bk also.. but canot be found in stores. after i pass my advance, i'll be giving the manual to da. coz he wan to collect. haha.. giv him lor. ONLY after i pass. : ) wish me good luck!
Thursday, January 08, 2004
i'm bloated. V V bloated. haha. ate too much sushi and drank too much watER. yEah. had dinneR at saKae.
Woke up dAMn earLy todAy. 7! Aiyeh.. wEnt for bus staTs. wAs LAte for it. There was a FreAkin heavy jaM from seNgkang to tpE. f*ck. sCrew the bus sTaTs lecture as WeLl. wat a Waste of time... anywayz, it's better than not attending. coz i'll FeEL guilty la.. even i skip sCh in sEc sCh before. aFter lecture went to Mango aT tM wif mama. walked abit round tamp aRea then we bought sum snaCks from bengaWan solO to muncH. we're StaRving Ok!?!? hahaha
then we bought the food to the bus and aTe in the bus on our way to bugis. we waLkeD from sim Lim to paRco to meEt zHen. went moS burger to eat. i ordereD nugGets and WTF they SerVed me the FrieD EBi... wAh LaO.
then later nise and na* came and meet us then we went to walk round then took Sum Pictures.. the neO prints... haha... then went muJi then went bugis street.... wah..... walk here walk there...... i so tired sia.. hahaha. but i enjoy la... then until 6+ abit went to raffles place to meet up wif kor, chirstine, godma, beth mum they all for dinner..... so fuLL...... wAhaha...
tired.... long day today... *yaWnz*
Woke up dAMn earLy todAy. 7! Aiyeh.. wEnt for bus staTs. wAs LAte for it. There was a FreAkin heavy jaM from seNgkang to tpE. f*ck. sCrew the bus sTaTs lecture as WeLl. wat a Waste of time... anywayz, it's better than not attending. coz i'll FeEL guilty la.. even i skip sCh in sEc sCh before. aFter lecture went to Mango aT tM wif mama. walked abit round tamp aRea then we bought sum snaCks from bengaWan solO to muncH. we're StaRving Ok!?!? hahaha
then we bought the food to the bus and aTe in the bus on our way to bugis. we waLkeD from sim Lim to paRco to meEt zHen. went moS burger to eat. i ordereD nugGets and WTF they SerVed me the FrieD EBi... wAh LaO.
then later nise and na* came and meet us then we went to walk round then took Sum Pictures.. the neO prints... haha... then went muJi then went bugis street.... wah..... walk here walk there...... i so tired sia.. hahaha. but i enjoy la... then until 6+ abit went to raffles place to meet up wif kor, chirstine, godma, beth mum they all for dinner..... so fuLL...... wAhaha...
tired.... long day today... *yaWnz*
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
sian... tml lecture so early. gotta wake up at 7. then go for lecture for 2 stupid hrs. who ask me so blur... missed out the lecture today. daMnZ.
juz fin playing yahoO pool wif da 10 mins ago. he's now on his way back camp. v sian. my parents duno yelling at each other over wat. SO noisY! shit rite. always spoil the peace at home.
goin to log offline soon. coz of the early hours tml. gd nite bloggy.
juz fin playing yahoO pool wif da 10 mins ago. he's now on his way back camp. v sian. my parents duno yelling at each other over wat. SO noisY! shit rite. always spoil the peace at home.
goin to log offline soon. coz of the early hours tml. gd nite bloggy.
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
i'm hoME.... duno y... nowaDAys.. once i sit down and staRt to blog.. i feEL slpy. i wondEr how maNy posTs haV i posTed tat has got the wOrd 'slp' Or 'slpY'. Hahha... waT the hell. aNywayz.... as i was saying.... i duno wat to do in sCh juz now. and i also duNo y the hELl did i sTaYed back for. waHaahAz...
i duno aT about waT time wE leFt the Lab. TOok 23 wif na* to inteRchangE. She waS goin to heR gRaNdmother's house whilE i went to Look For my muM. sHe'll Be aT the inteRchaNGe all the Way untiL 18/1/2004 coz she's HAvin a prOmotion There. did nothing there but waSted time agAIn. then i wEnt to shop alone... i duno how many countleSs times i wAlked tO and Fro tM and Cs. Ahahaha.... juz tO and frO, To and frO. looKin for things to buy. in the eNd, bought a mangO skirt that i liked v Long aGo. Hehehe... it was cheap alriTe. aT LeaSt way ChEAPer than it was at tat time when i first saw it. happy and sAtisfied wif it. then wEnt to meEt da outside hiS camp.
went to buy dinner then wEnt home. he juz wEnt back half an Hr aGo. guess his bathing now or eAting. if not nagged at agaIn... hehehe.... :X sadz... he got OT tml. then he's goin to sTay in tml! not booKin out... whole day in camp. pooR thing....
come to tink of it... wOw... we've been meeting for .... 6 days sTraigHt! including those few hours ones... tat's reaLly a reCord... hahaha... but i do enjoy aLL 6 daYs though.. : ) haPPyz~ hehee....
i duno aT about waT time wE leFt the Lab. TOok 23 wif na* to inteRchangE. She waS goin to heR gRaNdmother's house whilE i went to Look For my muM. sHe'll Be aT the inteRchaNGe all the Way untiL 18/1/2004 coz she's HAvin a prOmotion There. did nothing there but waSted time agAIn. then i wEnt to shop alone... i duno how many countleSs times i wAlked tO and Fro tM and Cs. Ahahaha.... juz tO and frO, To and frO. looKin for things to buy. in the eNd, bought a mangO skirt that i liked v Long aGo. Hehehe... it was cheap alriTe. aT LeaSt way ChEAPer than it was at tat time when i first saw it. happy and sAtisfied wif it. then wEnt to meEt da outside hiS camp.
went to buy dinner then wEnt home. he juz wEnt back half an Hr aGo. guess his bathing now or eAting. if not nagged at agaIn... hehehe.... :X sadz... he got OT tml. then he's goin to sTay in tml! not booKin out... whole day in camp. pooR thing....
come to tink of it... wOw... we've been meeting for .... 6 days sTraigHt! including those few hours ones... tat's reaLly a reCord... hahaha... but i do enjoy aLL 6 daYs though.. : ) haPPyz~ hehee....
hELlo... SLpy head here. iN Sch. nothing to do. duno where to go. wAn go shoppinG leh. for new year. but then no money. coz neEd to save for my bill and then most proB a Holiday trip in late mARch. not cOnfiRMeD yet. aT least to me. Da never ReAlly confirm. yeS. goin wif him. where to? gEntIng la. aGaiN? yEs.
i'm so bored now. duno wat shld i do. dun really wan to go HOme coz moST prOb meeting da LaTer. he wan go buy things. it'll be Silly for me to go home then come out agaIn in a few hRs. but then, looking At the ScEnarIo that i'm living in now, i tink it's beTTer to go home. Haiz. Oh yEAh. still neEd to paY my internet bills. fOr last month. shit. broke. my pay's still not here yEt. i wan to faSter go buy my Bed then do sum calculation and sTaRt on sum plan for the trIp. neEd to sAve aS much as PosSible coz i dun wana rely on da to pay for my expenses.
tml got macro eCons lecture at 2 and stupid life science lect at 6. Haiz.... y mus sch always end so late? waste of time. i neEd to clean up my bedroom. thinkin bout it, i already can't see the bed! hahaz.. who cares anywayZ... nobody's slpin there anymore. but i juz dun wan the mess la. gotta clean up sumday. maybe sun. coz sat morning got to go back hss for band practice. Must remind myself to do so. i'm so forgetful... having my first driving lesson on friday. hope it's gd. kiNda excited about it but worried as well coz i dun wan to stall the engine! hahaa... maDz.. i'm thinkin too much i tink... byEz..
i'm so bored now. duno wat shld i do. dun really wan to go HOme coz moST prOb meeting da LaTer. he wan go buy things. it'll be Silly for me to go home then come out agaIn in a few hRs. but then, looking At the ScEnarIo that i'm living in now, i tink it's beTTer to go home. Haiz. Oh yEAh. still neEd to paY my internet bills. fOr last month. shit. broke. my pay's still not here yEt. i wan to faSter go buy my Bed then do sum calculation and sTaRt on sum plan for the trIp. neEd to sAve aS much as PosSible coz i dun wana rely on da to pay for my expenses.
tml got macro eCons lecture at 2 and stupid life science lect at 6. Haiz.... y mus sch always end so late? waste of time. i neEd to clean up my bedroom. thinkin bout it, i already can't see the bed! hahaz.. who cares anywayZ... nobody's slpin there anymore. but i juz dun wan the mess la. gotta clean up sumday. maybe sun. coz sat morning got to go back hss for band practice. Must remind myself to do so. i'm so forgetful... having my first driving lesson on friday. hope it's gd. kiNda excited about it but worried as well coz i dun wan to stall the engine! hahaa... maDz.. i'm thinkin too much i tink... byEz..
Monday, January 05, 2004
wOw...... i'm sO tireD. had aNother LONG LONG day toDAy. woKe up earLy... waIted v long for christine to come fetch me. coz we ordeRed OTaHz from dada. Hahaha... then went tO pick up Beth then go JLn kayu collect otah. aFter tAt wEnt BisHan. hAd Pasta Mania. walked round. suppOsEd to go home buden... bEth wan go coMpaSs point. so i wEnt wIf her Coz christine NeEd to go pick her mum up. walkEd round There then bEth wanted to "la Kopi". bRanded Kopi. sTaRbucKS. wAhz... if u eVeryday la kopi wif her sure BrOke. hAaaha.. anyWAyz. we Toked ah. and i reALised we had sum Sorta saMe Prob. wif frenz. her's waS wif her sec sch MaTes.. while mine waS wIf the xp gang.
aFter Tat she went home while i meT up wif dada. walk at paSaR malAm. then wEnt home. so tired. wan slp sOOn.. bye!
aFter Tat she went home while i meT up wif dada. walk at paSaR malAm. then wEnt home. so tired. wan slp sOOn.. bye!
Sunday, January 04, 2004
Oh... i'm so tired.. haha. long day today. wOke up in morning. wEnt to Meet chrisTine at AMK. got my tiMetaBle. thanks! thEn bouGht breAKfaSt cum luncH for Dada and mySelf. wEnt up to his pLAce to eat... aFter tat da wantEd to go See my grandmother. sO wE wENt aMK.
LeFt at 5. tOok bus Back to dA's plaCe. He forgot to PaSs me the AdvaNCe theOry bOok. then i WEnt home gEt chaNge for claSs outiNg whiLE da weNt for his Relative's dInner. Met haLf of 4E1'01 at pArk maLl haNs. HaD diNNEr chAT... waLked to orcHard. HaNg round There. tOOk pics... then.. wEnt Home at 10+.
Bought a boTtle of Vodka RaspbErry on my Way HOme. couldn't find the vOdka Lime i waNted. duNo Y. thE one jacK recommeNded me duRIng the ClaSs chalet. hope to fInd it SOOn. coz it's nice.
fiNaLLy eDited my blog. not v Gd. but At LeaSt beTter than No tagboaRd. hAaha. sAtisfied alreaDy. eyes closIng tOo... goin to slp. tMl got another daY... BuaIz~
LeFt at 5. tOok bus Back to dA's plaCe. He forgot to PaSs me the AdvaNCe theOry bOok. then i WEnt home gEt chaNge for claSs outiNg whiLE da weNt for his Relative's dInner. Met haLf of 4E1'01 at pArk maLl haNs. HaD diNNEr chAT... waLked to orcHard. HaNg round There. tOOk pics... then.. wEnt Home at 10+.
Bought a boTtle of Vodka RaspbErry on my Way HOme. couldn't find the vOdka Lime i waNted. duNo Y. thE one jacK recommeNded me duRIng the ClaSs chalet. hope to fInd it SOOn. coz it's nice.
fiNaLLy eDited my blog. not v Gd. but At LeaSt beTter than No tagboaRd. hAaha. sAtisfied alreaDy. eyes closIng tOo... goin to slp. tMl got another daY... BuaIz~
Saturday, January 03, 2004
heY... the last post was postEd yesterday! only publisheD today. coz it couldn't get published. Blogger KEpt saYin tRAnsfer eRrOr. aNywayz.... i had a LoNg ANd gReaT day TodAY!
slept at 4 am in the Morning. WaS plaYing oNline PooL wif Da... woke up aT 11+ surPrisingLY, he aLso woke up at thaT HOur. :) suppose to gO apply PDL tml. but da wANteD to acc me. so in the end we wEnt to apply for it and booKEd my finaL tHeOry test date. On the 16/1/04. God bLesS Me ba! hahaha... the Lady At thE counter reaLLY sux aNyway. afTer tat.... we Went to colleCt my blue tooth... we had a chineSe namE for it.. direCt traNslation "lan ya" haha.. sounds siLLy but faRni....
aFter tat, we weNt sim LiM Sq... da wanted to buy wIndows xP home eDit. bOugHt it... walked over to bugIs junction.... went to the ArcAde... plaYed gaMes tiLL 6+ then we wENt to taKE pHOtO~~~ hehehe.... those nEocARds one.. one v nice.. the other v faRni... HAahaha...
waLked around then headed for dinner. aFter dInner da shopped wif me aT dorothy perKins. i BougHt 2 tops for the new year. then... wE took train to Amk... sAw tis v v cute little babY! v beautiful. inDian baBy. she's got reALly bIg round eyes.. beautiful nose.. and nice little mouth. haha.... so cute. aNywayz.... we wEnt aMk. wEnt aRcade agaIn.. raCed daytona wif da.... woWz.... broke my reCord agaIn.. hehehe.. plaYed till 11. then we tOok bus Homez... so laTez already. think he's aLreaDy aslp.. either tat or He's sTucK in the toileT aGAin. :x
tml gotta waKe up earLy.. meet christine for breakfast. think tml's gona be another long day... i BetTa enjoy myseLf before sch stARts... HEhe..... i simply love today.. :D
slept at 4 am in the Morning. WaS plaYing oNline PooL wif Da... woke up aT 11+ surPrisingLY, he aLso woke up at thaT HOur. :) suppose to gO apply PDL tml. but da wANteD to acc me. so in the end we wEnt to apply for it and booKEd my finaL tHeOry test date. On the 16/1/04. God bLesS Me ba! hahaha... the Lady At thE counter reaLLY sux aNyway. afTer tat.... we Went to colleCt my blue tooth... we had a chineSe namE for it.. direCt traNslation "lan ya" haha.. sounds siLLy but faRni....
aFter tat, we weNt sim LiM Sq... da wanted to buy wIndows xP home eDit. bOugHt it... walked over to bugIs junction.... went to the ArcAde... plaYed gaMes tiLL 6+ then we wENt to taKE pHOtO~~~ hehehe.... those nEocARds one.. one v nice.. the other v faRni... HAahaha...
waLked around then headed for dinner. aFter dInner da shopped wif me aT dorothy perKins. i BougHt 2 tops for the new year. then... wE took train to Amk... sAw tis v v cute little babY! v beautiful. inDian baBy. she's got reALly bIg round eyes.. beautiful nose.. and nice little mouth. haha.... so cute. aNywayz.... we wEnt aMk. wEnt aRcade agaIn.. raCed daytona wif da.... woWz.... broke my reCord agaIn.. hehehe.. plaYed till 11. then we tOok bus Homez... so laTez already. think he's aLreaDy aslp.. either tat or He's sTucK in the toileT aGAin. :x
tml gotta waKe up earLy.. meet christine for breakfast. think tml's gona be another long day... i BetTa enjoy myseLf before sch stARts... HEhe..... i simply love today.. :D
Friday, January 02, 2004
haRLow.. i'm home. guess u ca tell from tHe wAy i type... I'm OK! hehe... morning waS... haRd to gEt by. coz i was worried... tiLL noon.... stiLL a little.... then eVening, da called me. waS bathing. 2 missed caLls. din hear it even my phone was in the toiLet. gueSsed he hung up while i waS waShing my hAiR.... haha... third time. I heaRd it.. picked up. he told me i gOt him wOrRied... coz i din caLl him baCk... waS happy when i heard tat. coz i know.... sun's gonA shine agaIn.
hE came by... brought haLf a dOzen of the bigGer otahs. those Of baNana leaVes. not the normAl smaLL ones. aTe 3. left 3 for my paREnts. DELICIOUS. love it. well i love otahs anywayz.... : ) i wLd love to haV more. hopefully near future.
went for laTe dinner at bout 10+? then waLkeD home from hougAng maLL... wIndY nite. staRs shining brIght. perfEct. : ) waitEd V long for his bus. i dun mind. coz... it's nice to sit down wif the wind blowing and chatting aWAy. feeLs great tOo. bus came. last bus i presume. now home blogging... : )
hE came by... brought haLf a dOzen of the bigGer otahs. those Of baNana leaVes. not the normAl smaLL ones. aTe 3. left 3 for my paREnts. DELICIOUS. love it. well i love otahs anywayz.... : ) i wLd love to haV more. hopefully near future.
went for laTe dinner at bout 10+? then waLkeD home from hougAng maLL... wIndY nite. staRs shining brIght. perfEct. : ) waitEd V long for his bus. i dun mind. coz... it's nice to sit down wif the wind blowing and chatting aWAy. feeLs great tOo. bus came. last bus i presume. now home blogging... : )
Thursday, January 01, 2004
happy new year.
finished my vcd. ah... nice show still... still love the movie. no regrets upon buying it.
da msg me juz now. he's back home slping. sumhow upon reading the msg, the heart feels lighter. he told me he's gonna meet me tml night. i wonder wat he'll say. the thought of it simply disturbs me. i am still moody. but better now. make a wish upon the new year and hopes it will come true. i always make simple wishes. and i shall wait to live it.
someone msn me wishing for no sars, dieseases, wars all that. how great it is if it'll come true. but another new year comes, means we've got one year less before watever will happen happens... mama... i wonder u know wat i'm toking about... remember studying at downtown east? last book of the new testament. me ain't a church goin nor believer. i juz open myself to accept wat i've learn and hopefully make gd use of it... free to think. tat's wat i say. freethinker is wat i wan to be known as. :)
finished my vcd. ah... nice show still... still love the movie. no regrets upon buying it.
da msg me juz now. he's back home slping. sumhow upon reading the msg, the heart feels lighter. he told me he's gonna meet me tml night. i wonder wat he'll say. the thought of it simply disturbs me. i am still moody. but better now. make a wish upon the new year and hopes it will come true. i always make simple wishes. and i shall wait to live it.
someone msn me wishing for no sars, dieseases, wars all that. how great it is if it'll come true. but another new year comes, means we've got one year less before watever will happen happens... mama... i wonder u know wat i'm toking about... remember studying at downtown east? last book of the new testament. me ain't a church goin nor believer. i juz open myself to accept wat i've learn and hopefully make gd use of it... free to think. tat's wat i say. freethinker is wat i wan to be known as. :)
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