Sunday, November 30, 2003

hehehe... so happy... smilE! haha... leT's start wif all the happy event first. I've Been attaChed for 4 wks.. and it's goin 1 month tml. and for the PasT four wEeks, today is when i spEnt the moSt hours wif dADa... 6 hrs + a bit StRaigHT! wAh.. so long... compared to eVery other time. So... what did we do todaY? hehe.. well i met him at 7.30 in the MoRNing... yES morning. ahaha.. where wE go? to this place, i duno the ExaCt place.. but it's round faRrer mrT aREa. We went for Tui nA.. my old wound for my Ankle and his AChes at his back together wif one of his Army fren. Then aFter tat we weNt to Eat... After eating, actuaLly he's supposE to sEnd me home. buT no... hehe.. we walked back to fArRer mRt... and DeCidE to walk aLL the way to BugiS! yES.... bUgIs! HEhehe...
we ACtuaLly tot of tAKin neO caRd pictures.. but then... siLLy daDa waS so tired.. he'd been faLlin asLEep whilst waLkinG! so when wE reaChed there, we Went to thE arcAde. the purpose was to waKe him up tru sum gAmes... but who knows, we stayed there for 1 whoLe hR! wE din haV time to go tat pictures... coz dada nEed to go help out his mum. So, we went to taKe traIn togEther... i'm suppoSE to go home viA straight buses at AmK mRt. but then, hehehe... i Acc him take bus which by doin so, i haVe to changE busEs... BUT... who knows, wE both fELl aslp in the bus And We ovER-shot! hahaha.... endEd up aT RivervalE maLl.. hahaha.. so we cRoSs over and taKe the bus aGaIn... then, i acc him taKe bus to his 'work place' at jLn KaYu...
hehehe... then he 'reported' for work while i jus did nothing... until he gAv me A BAg of OtAhs... WAh... 16 of them! (dada's family busineSs is otah caTering) hahahaha... sooN aFter tat i went home coz i neEd to Bring those otaHs hOme beFore they turN cold... hehehe.... so here i am.. home sWt home... nice otahs... hehee...
Now cum to the not so Gd thing... tat is.... bOth dada And I ARe goin to be pandaS!!! ahahahaha......... how cum? coz dAda din slp for the whole nite LaSt nitE! duno wat's he doin la...haha.... tat's explains y he's so tired. haha... and we met up eaRLy morning at 7.30. remeMber? hehehe as for me... i slpt at 3 last nite and wOke up at 6! ahahahaha....... tat's y i'm so tireD tOo......haahaha.... wE're 2 paNdAs! haahha... so tonite, i'm gona slp V eaRLy. coz tml neEd to wOrk. daDa also neEd to slp earLy tonite... coz need to go camp.... hehehehe...... bye bloggy!!
yeAh.... i remember wat i wanted to blog! ahahaa..... aFter thinking for so lOng... ok... it's simply tat.... i dun tink i can go for hair colouring! no colours to my hair anymore.. at least until aFter a imporTant date in April neXt yr. waT is it?
i'm in for a band concert! yeah... my sEc sch band concErt. hahaha... QiN said it was Sir who told her to Ask me... and who aSk me to hav to idiotic juniors who aRe so WAng en fu yi who dun call their alumni... stilL mus wait for other section's junior to ask. Zhen diu LiAn. duno where all my teachings go to... haIZ! and since i'm in for the concert, i hav to go back to practise and there goes my colour hair! ahahahaha.... coz my stupid sch has got such stupid rules tat alumnis cuminG back are not to haV colour Hair. lAME! also... it's not gD to haV colour hair in the ConcErt. i mean... i dun wan to bE so outstandin in the band... everybody wil notice... esP the principal.. hahha..then i'll get into sum trOuble or worse, i canot play for the Concert.
sPeakin of which, i haVe already lost touch wif my tubA for sOooO long! i'm so Worried tat i canot play as wEll aS b4. i dun mean i play v well in the paSt.. i mean... the standad... will faLl... hahaha... which means, i HAV to go baCk for morE practices. but then, i'm working! die.. canot make it for wKdays practices.. and if i were to go back for nite practices after work, wun i be daMn freaKin tireD? aHahha... but.. sumhow, i reaLly miss my band life a lot... maybe it's worth it. since the concert is gona to be held at VCH..... one of the veri Few places i wan to perform in. if it's esplanade, i tell u, i'm gona quit my job and practice sia! AHahha.... too bad.. haha.. not up to staNdard to play there la... hahahaha... tat's ALL! hehhe... bye and nite bloggY!
haPpy birtHday to mama~! hehehee..... hope u stay so prettY forever ah.. hahaa..... aLso.. not Forgetting to taKe caRe of urSelf.. eSp tat stomaCh of urs.

hehee..... ok now... i'm so boreD! i Feel like goin clubbing tonite.. but then... saMe prOblem.. not company. haiz... anyway, jus now while while i was watchin the VcD hafway, dada came!!! aHahaa... aT leaSt my last hope weren't bAshed... : ) hehe.... but he only acc me for a while.. coz he nEed to go home..... then go hospital to visit his gRandfather... so aGain, i'm back to my bored sElf... hahahaha.. so bOring! and.... i'm quitE IrRitateD! coz i know i've got sumting i wan to blog.... but i Can't reMember! WTF... argHz.....

Saturday, November 29, 2003

did i say most prob? yes i dId... mosT pRob. and tat's It. sO unLucky. HAIZ~ i'm aT home AT this hour... and i gueSs u know y. CoZ daDA OT A-G-A-I-N! waT The heLL?!? i mean... for threE Long WKs he's been Havin OT... Is it tHat the camp has OnLy Got him? OR waT? Why alWaYs hIm? lEaVing me alL bOreD. complaIning heRe. DaMn. Thank gDneSs i hav a bloggy to comPLain TO... i dun think ANyone would Be sO FrEe to lisTen to All my cRaP. dARn it.
theN waT can i do Now? juz Hope Lor.... hOpe AgaIN. tAt's the Only thing i can do! Hope tat his OT not so late.... then at LeaSt can meEt up. not goin to OrchaRd is bEtter than Not beIng Able to meET up riTE. FreaKing daMn aNNoying cum irritating 'Boss' he hav. sCrEw u.... hAIz~ nOw mus go loOk for things to do ALreaDy... go paCk my Room... bought quitE a few things theSe few days.. mus put them aLL in pLAce.... if not my roOm will becum a Mess aGaIn.. then laTer GO waTch JAy Mtv LOr.. waT elsE? aHahahaha........

Friday, November 28, 2003

yooHooO~ i'm home! ahhah.. so dRained.. both physically and mentaLLy. wOke up at 5+ tis morning. y so earLy? coz dada called me... haha... y he waKe up so eaRLy? coz hE had A niteMaRe! aHhahaa.... Oppz~ :x hehehe... so in the end i chaT wif him all the way till 6.35 then i went to geT ready to meEt christine. reAched raffles plaCe at duno wat time... then wE headed to BK for breaKfast. aFter tat i went up to christine's offIce to get sum time sheeT before i report to Work at OCBC centEr. and i dun LikE the Lifts there!!! hahahha
iT waS so embarassing for mE! coz i duno how the lifts there wORk! u see, i had to go to level 40. so i went To Look for the lift that caTers to the level. then the Lift came, i stepped in, Press 40, the Lift doesn't worK! i came out thinkin the lift was faulty. so i waited for the other one. gueSs wat, soon, a guy came, and boaRded the lift tat i got out of! how on earth did he do tat? i was soOooo PaiseH~ (='-'=) then the next lift came, i followed a guy in. he PrEssed 47 and it was ok.. i tried pressing 40 again and again, but it doesn't worK! i waS so paisEh... i followed him up to level 47. aHahha..then he told me to get back to the lift in order to go down to level 40. hOW Stupid can tat be?!
then, when i finally reached the place, i was told to go to level 25. and guess wat, i had to walk to the other side of the building to taKe the other lift to level 5 and change lift to go leVel 25! sO troublesome!! but one commendable thing is tat... the life wOrks reaLLy fast... not reaLLy. it's Very. not very. eXTreMely! AHaahaha... finally, i reaChed the credit card department... haha... and guess wat, i had to learn so maNY thingS!!! aH! help!! ahahha.. it was tough. so many steps to reMember. how the systems worK... all that! screw it maN! i was almost fallin aslp!! and guess wat, the person who taught me was from tP! i had a hard time memorising all the steps to update information. aLL that sup carD... AH! y u credit CaRd holdERs mus be so mA fAn? giv us such a hARd time... esp for newbies like me! ahahaha... duno how many of my brain cells died Man... anyway, work ended at 6+ a bit for me. and then after tat, i wEnt to meEt chrisTine... she wan me Acc her go bugiS to collect Her PS 2...
we went there and on our wAy walkin to burlington square, she sAid sumting... AHahaa... Let's go OG walk walk see See... and guess wat? it's is walk walk sEe see for her... but not For ME! ahahaaha... i bought 2 pillows, 1 top from dorothy Perkins and 2 skirTs, goin a v Low price... haahaa.. wAt a haRvest... hahaha.. then after tat then we go coLleCt her PS 2 and tOOk a cab hOMe... Ahh... finaLY home.... but stiLL canot rest yet.. still got to mop the fLOOr........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aH Boy.... i'm dying because of u aH....... hahaa..... maYbe i shld learn from WeiqiANg--- shagg...... Ahaha.. tat's all lah... my fingers are sO tireD as WEll.. kept makin typo eRrors... hahha....... byE~
aiyA.. i'm so tireD and blur... tat i forgot something!
wAt is it? cOunting dowN LOr! wahahahaha........
2 daYs to maMA's bIrthdaY~~~~~ HEehehehe.e........
bYe bYe! Goin to Slp le.. V laTe.... neEd to waKe up at 6.15 tml... hahaa...

Thursday, November 27, 2003

haLo bloggy! heehe....... came back home aLReady. where i go? i went to... Simei to meeT my sIs in laW for meaL of the day... guess wat i ate? Yeah yeah... SaKae AgaIn! wahahahaha..... she had the craving for it.. so.. juz went wif her lor... hahaa.. been eating sushi for 2 days alreaDy... i'm v sure i wun eat again tml... coz tml i'm gona StaRt work. aFtEr eating, we Went waLk around aT PeT sAfari.. i SaW tis stupid Luo Han fish.. aHaha... it's so fierCe.. hahaa.. i beT it tot it could bite me.. but tOO bad. u're in A fisH TaNk! Ahahaha... afTer Tat wE went to taMpines maLL... waLk waLk.. look for my Bag. The Moment i reacheD TM, i had no iDea waT haPPened tO me.. i waS fEeLin giddy.. I tot i waS goin to FaInt.. haha.. but luckily i Didn't... we jus carried on waLkin round... then wEnt to MetRO... i bought the Br@ sEt... Ahahaha.. then wEnt to Buy bag.. soon aFter tat we went Home.. coz we're both tIred...
but i din go Home StRaight... hehe.. i went to meEt daDa... for.. a while onLy ... tiLL bout 10.10 then i wEnt homE coz he nEeds to go back camp. then now, i'm bloGgin and calling DaDa..... tis siLLy Boy, was on the Phone wif me 10 mins ago. and guess wat? he Fell aslp agaIn..... and i couldn't WaKe him up wif all the yELling.. hahaha... so i hung up.. hAhah. then now.. hopin to waKe him up tru calLin him... hAhaa... dun care.... juz keEP caLlin until i wana go to slp... haIz!
gOttO go oFfline sOon.. stILL neEd to cleaN up the mesS by Ah boy! Who's Ah boy? aHaha... boy boy Lor.. who's boy boy then? boy boy is baBY La! aHahaha...... haIz haiz.. hahaha... after cleaning up i shaLl go slp... coz tml neEd to waKe up eaRLy! stiLL haven waTch my jay vcd yet! haahaa.. dunO when will i bE frEe to dO so man... haahha... maYbe.. saturday morning or Sunday... i guesS so~ hehhehe bye blogGy....
aIyeH~~~ haVen waTch my jay vcd yet! hahaa..... hopefulLy can waTch tml. hehee...... yeah. i'm goin to work! sTarting from fRIday. hopefully.... it's not so tough... and hopeFuLLy i dun haV to weaR formal all the while.. hehee. so haPpy bout it. but tml need to go buy bAg. sumting not tOO formal... and not Too casuaL.. can bring to office. the bag i got for presentation toO big Le laH! Ahaahaah...... yeAh.... jus now tok to dada... he told me most prob sat no OT... yeaH! how i reaLLy wish sO... i reaLLy wan go orchaRd. we're supposed to go together... and i've been waiting for it for 2 wks... nearly 3... hahahaha..... really got to pray hard tat he doesn't get OT. hehe. i'm bit of... in the Crazy mode.. duno y... jus hyper.. i din drink the energy cola leh... btw, it's called pepsi X. y? has it got the X faCtor? hAHaha i duno... i dun caRe also! hahaaha.... but the can does.... haahha......... i think i better stop blogGin before i go maD~~~~ haaha... counting down..... 3 days to mama's birthdaY~~ heehee

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

i came back home half an hr Ago... where did i go? hehehe.... went to meEt Christine who acc me to SsDc to booK my theory tEst daTe. Ok~ my bAsic TheorY test is on the 16/12. : ) wIsh Me luck ok? hEhehehe.... After taT, we weNt to biShan for lunch. Beth mum who's suppose to meEt us couldn't Make it... haIz! too bad... anyway, wE haD lunch At sAkaE... thanks for ur tReAt! it was sOooO fiLLing... hahaha... there goes my diet pLAn... aFter that wE walk round junction 8 for a while. I finaLLY bought the Jay music VidEo + EP~~ so hAPpy... haven waTcH yEt... maybe later : )
Oh. how can i forget bout tis?!

haPPY 18th birthday huifEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehee........

and now, left wif 4 days to mama's birthdaY~~~~~~~~ ehehehehe

okok... cuming in to blog before i go to slp. planning for an early nite. coz i dun wan to miss dada's call agaIN! Ahaahaha.. still fEelin baD bout it.. haha. tml i shld be goin Out~! hopefully. if nothing goes wrong. i'm goin to SSDC to book theory test date... call me kiasu or wat... but i'm jus so excited bout learning driving ok... hehehe.... really can't wait. hehe... wAs happily on the phone wif dada juz now... haha.. he was singing to his own tune... and changing lyrics of songs.. to wat? i'm not goNa TeLL u.... :P hahahaha... so happy... so mus blog down. then... so idiotically (if there's such word) the BaStArd IcQ me! aRgHZ! forGot to ignore him.... spoil my mooD. hahha... anyway, he's aLready on my ignore list now. Hahaha.... wun get to hear from him! hmm.. maybe i shld change my hp no. Go get a new line. so tat he wiLL neVer ever find me. lesT he calls my house. then again, i'll do sum silly acting... wAhahaha... y am i so eVil? coz i haTe him. I dun eVer wan to hear from him aGain. Not eVen a singLe bit. He doesn't deserve my care n conCern. y? long story. i can tell u if u ask me. but not v nice to say. ok! forGet bout him... i'm goin to slp soon..... nite Bloggy... nite jojo! hehe..... nite.... to eVeryone.... nite... my dear dada! (who's already meetin his lover Mr zhou gong) ahahaaha.......... bye!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

haI~~~ HAhahaa....... yellin my head oFf... i'm not squabbling wif anyone.. i'm tokin to my dad... ahahaha. yes.. we tok like tat at home.. Yelling at eaCh other... Ahahahaha... We're sorta discussing bout sum business stuffy. my mum wans to rent a shop and do her own busineSs.. i haV no objeCtions... but then they Hav to plan Properly! the only thing tat worRies me is tat their lack of knowLeDge on those equipments... i mean those Computers and stuff. i also hav no clues on those.. tat's y.. i'm WorRied for them. who wans to own a busIness that's makin LosSes rite?! anyway, enough of yElLin.. haha.. i told my dad to keEp quite.. haaa.. v bad.. i know.. but tat's how things work at home. How my Parents and i communicate... like frenz? but there's still sumting lacking... sum bonds. nVm the thing la.. hahaa

wEll, i woKe up at 8+ and was feeLin blue in the morning. y? coz i sAw a missed call in my Hp. By deAR Dada... took a look aT the time, it was at 7+? man.... y on eaRth can i sLp so soundlY? i hAv no idea! and how did the phOne maNage to go undER my pilLow? daMn. but lucky, i got oVer it Soon.. coz i know he wun mind... coz i Slpt at 3+ last nite... i came onLine... did nothing.. HAhha.. chat wif sum Ppl.. like.. na*dearie, Pig head, thomas, stEfan... the usual chaTters... so boring man! AHhaa... nvm .. half the day's gone... Boring Birthday i have. yEsterday was bEtter.... hahaha... feel like goin out.. but duno Where to and who to go wif.. no one... hahahaha........

I've got sumting to DO~~~~~~~~ hahaa.......tat is... to GO register for theOrY test aSAp!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone wans to acc. me ????? i reAlly wan to get my licEnse u know... haahaaa......... pls pls .... let me know... asAP.. haahaa......
Okie! i'm here to blog. shaRe sum comments on this new drink i jus tried.
it's called the energy colA... proudly brought to u by PePsi.
wat's the taste? sWeet. hmm.. got a farni colour.. reddish. but i tink it taste better then PePsi blue. coz pepsi blue only tastes great when it's chilled. while this new drink, taste the same. whether is it chilled or not.... or to me at least.
one Bad thing bout this drink is tat... it contains waY tOO much gaS! keEPs me Burping.. haha.. bad for health? i duno. but i reaLly wonder y they call it energy cola. i dun feel energetic... ahaha.. maybe they shld rename it.. gas coLa.. haha.. ok la.. it's not tat bad la. maybe u can try it out for urself. but for me, i still prefer.. pepsi twist. pePsi, wif a kiss of lemon. Y? simply becos.... there's lemon..... u know it. i Love lemons..... waHahaha.......
happy birthday to me...... hahahaha.... sing to mySelf.... hahaa.... laMe.. i know.. but... nobodY celebraTing for mE!!!! haha... but i'm haPpy to receive all the b daY msGes.... excEPt for those from thAT BaStarD.... haaahaa... Aiye..... u're daMn FrEAKin irRitating! dun cALL me Anymore! i hATE u. hahaa.....

anyway, i'm quite happy today. y? coz dada tooK off to surprise me! plan failEd... but i'm ok.. haha.. the siLly boy took off and never tell me. i waS out when he was At my dooR step... haha..too bad deaR... better Luck neXt time. but time was welL spent.... hehe.. enjoyed those fEw hRs.... hehe.. of coz la! hahaha... but pooR dada got duty tml. and PoOR me.... not goin aNywhere tml! ahaha.... who wana Ask me out? haa.. feeL fRee to caLL me yeaH?!

now Left wif 1 day to huifen's birthday and 5 days to mama's birthdaY!!!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2003

sumBody out there..... help me!!! ahah.. i duno y on eaRth the song doesn't cum out! help! sumbody kind enough to teach me the right way? pls???!

Oh Yeah..... HaPPy 19th birthday to hUirOng~

left wif one Day.. to my birthdaY~! hahaha... and 2 days to huifen's and 6 daYs to mama's birthdaY~~~~!

i love... reading blogs....... i love... doin short quizzes..... tat shld explain y, i went to do quizzes again! and agaIN, a link from na* deaRest blog... wahaha..

You are the one who holds back your feelings from
others and yourself. You dont want to show
people your weak u dont want sympathy. Your
strong but maybe... you should show ur
feelings, just alittle*

The type of pain ur eyes behold
brought to you by Quizilla

anyway, the above results....... are so v tRue.. hahaha...

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Hmmm.... i want to dO sumting about My haIr!!!!!!!!
Anybody out There WanA giv me Sum sUGGesTions? heheee..
Shld I...

1. Juz tRim it?
2. Dye it?
3. rebond it?
4. dye + hiGhligHt it + trim it?
5. Jus Let it bE?

sumbOdy pls tELL me? hehehee.. hahaha... and where shaLL i go for it?

A) KimagE? (More Ex La.. but Got 50% off!)
B) A saLon i been to (not Bad aT haIr colOuring) at VeeRasAMy rD? (chEaper)
HEhee. i ChaNged my Skin~~~!! hahaha.... hmm.. jus tat the stupid BanneR is there.. Ahaha.. but luckilY, it doesN't reaLly aFfect the moon there... hahaha.. it's supposE to be like tat (slightly cut off). hahaahaa... i cHaNged my song ALso... to Jay's Gui Ji... duno if u guys can hear.. neEd fEedbacks pls... hehe.. thanks a triLLion first.. hehee..... nice??? AHaha..

tOday i woke up did nothing much agaIn... haha.. dada caLled me at 8+. He nO nEed to rePorT to camp but he need To rePorT to muM... hahaa... he's at his mum's sTall helping out. Hmm.. maybe neXt time when i go for PraTa, i shld go Check tat place out.. hehe. After waKing up, i watcheD Tv.. then i Online and decide for a chAnge in my blog. and ta - da~~~~~ here it is! hehehee......... * Grinz *
aH!! i misS cOunting down for SaT!! i'm LaTe... TOt i'll be in tIme.. Ahaa.. tOo Bad. anywayz... waT i did TOday.... wAs so daMn freAkin borIng.. ahaha.. excePt for the 2 hrs where dada came oVeR to acC me... ahaaa... wOke up did nothing.. aHa... for the whole day untiL bout 5 when i wenT tO bathe. coz neeD to go mEet huifeN. she's cELebraTing her b day tOday.. aHha.. farni rite... i haven ceLeBrate mine, she's AlreaDy ceLebratiNg hers... ok back to Where We Were... baThe halfway dada call me say he'll be cumin OvEr. my GdNeSs~~ AHaha... i HAd to bAthe v quickly~ haha.. cOz i neEd to blow Dry My hair... haha.. After tat dada came oveR.. He tOld me hE neEd To reACh home by 6.30 and gueSs wat?!? he acc. Me to City hall to meEt Huifen And It wAs 8++! hAha... wEnt to meEt up wif huifen, xchaNged our PreSents.. (not X'mas! birthDay PReSents~) then HeaDed to Boat quay. No.. Dun get it wrong. We din go there To cLub though i'd Love to .. haha.. wE went To a Jazz Pub. hahaa... i alMost fELL aslp theRE!!!! ahaha... sorry to say, i WaS ReaLLY BorED~~~~~ haha... went home at 11+ then calLed dada. coz tis naughty Boy, who's SuppOse to msg me when he reacheD home, neVer do sO... and gueSs Wat?!? He's Not HOME~~~ Ahaha... He was Way at rEdhiLL when i CaLL him.. OMG. i wAs so daMn shocK... hahaha.... this boy leFt his waTch aT my Place.. haaa... duno When wiLL i eVer get to Pass it back to him.. reaChed home, aSk dad to buy suMtin for me to eat.. AHa.. y? coz i haVen Eat anything for the whole daY!!!! and i din Get Gastric.. Veri Puzzling.. aHaaa.. and now, i'm bacK bloggIng... Ahahaha.. tat's All for today...

-continue to countdown-

1 day to huirong's birthday
2 days to mY birthday
3 daYs to HuifEn's birThday
7 days to mama's birthday

-ahahahaha- stiLL mad -

Friday, November 21, 2003

haahaahahaha................... i checked my results.......
yeah!!!!!!!!!!! duN NeEd to Countdown for ResuLts aLreadY........ HEhehehehee.......
i pAss~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yeaH~~~ PaSs ALL~~~~~~~ yEaH~~~~~~ AHahAHAhaha......... hAppy..... v V haPPY... hahaha....... din reALly expeCt to paSs b.A. AHahha..... but i StiLL pAsS!!!!! HEheheheehee.............
arHz... Haha.. nise called me jus now.. tOld me eXaMs reSults Out ALReaD. AHahaha.. She got hERs via Sms. I din Apply for it. sO i duno.. haaha.... Well, i went online to check, still dun hav... Maybe mus wait tiLl tml? HAhaha... neRVous... i Dun care Wat Grades i Get. i juz Wan to PaSs everything can already.... help help help...haahha.... eSp for B.A and Econs.... pray for me Ah.. haHAhaha.

~continue to countdown~

1 day to Result (dIe.. )
3 days to huirong's birthday
4 dAys to my Birthday
5 dAys to huIfen's Birthday
9 days to mama's Birthday

~ hahaha... maD .... ~

Thursday, November 20, 2003

My Colour Profile:

You have little interest in your financial investments. You are not driven by material wealth and prefer to see where destiny takes you.

Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy.

You have a lot to say and love talking to your friends, always staying in close contact wherever you go. You are outgoing, fun and have people are drawn to you.

You are a very practical person. It's more important to you that the things you own are useful, rather than nice to look at.

You are very sociable! You are the center of attention and have great stories to tell. But this often prevents from establishing deep relationships.

You are very strong-willed, even bordering on stubborn. You like to take care of yourself before helping others, although you will never let people down.

haha... a little tESt i took from the link at na*'s bloG.. hehe... True or not? u teLL me LA.. i duno.. haha.. but quitE la.. hoR? hehehehe.......
H-A-P-P-Y! Hehee....... i sPell hAPPY!!!! hehehhe..... y? hEe.. coz my DearesT dAda who plaYed M.I.A wif me lasT nite CAme to suRprIse ME!!!!!!!! OMG... Hehe.... i tot he sAid he'll be meEtin me LaTer.. but wHo knoWs, hE's outSidE my dOOr?! I'm so haPpy... coz out of his Busy aRmy days time slot, he ManaGe to SquEezE some Time to tRavel aLL the Way from his camp to my HousE~~~~ hehe.. tat should eXplain y i lOvE u SoOooOo MuCh... hEhe... ToO bad he gOtTa Rush BaCk tO camp also... and he got OT tonite... for this whole Week AGain... but i'm reALLy So haPpy to sEe him :D hehehe. hopEfuLLy he'll bE freE to caLl me LaTer... hehehe.... dada, i love u! hehee...
*counting down*
2 days to results
4 days to huirong's birthday
5 days to my birthday
6 days to huifen's birthday
10 days to mama's birthday

*aHAhahAHa* Mad *

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

aiya!~ pEk chEK. Ahahaha... duno hOw arh. T610 or GD88? T610 or GD88? Sumone pls tELl mE..... hAhaaha... if T610 reCeption really no GOod then GD88? iF GD88 reaLly toO bIg then T610? aRgHZ! haahhaa...... hEaDache. sumore my DeaR dadA playin M.I.A wif Me agAIn~~~~~~~ aiyO.... so fAn nAO. haiz.... pEk cheK... ahahz.. and that sentosa outing plan.. ain't doin v well Either... haiz... *haiz*
Aiyo... my stomach BurSting aLreadY!!! Ate so MucH... aHha... mum bough home A Packet of WoNtOn aNd one poPiah... hAaha.. so fiLLing. i tink the vEndOr sEllin the wonton add aloT of MSG in Her soUp... i finisH it.. and Now i keEp Drinking watER! hahaa.... i'm FiLLEd Wif watER ah... die.. hahha... i'm like goin to finisH half the botTle of 1.5 litreS of waTer sOOn... Ahaha... bloaTed. v bloAted.
Aiya... tiLL now stiLL noBody wan to celebraTe my birthday.. so siaN... haaahaa... hopefULLY got ppl Who's FrEe la... anyWay, jus now Dada called me... ahaaa.... so SuRPriSe to receIve his call. why? coz he's bEen realLy busy laTely. OT and OT aNd OT nothing but OT. Leavin me Bored. Ahahaha... leSs calls... less meEtings. Tat's Y.. i'm so surPrisEd. HAhaha... He was so surPrised in thE morning when he misSed Call me. y? coz he only let it Ring For Like 2 sEcs and i wOke up and RetuRn his cALl. Haha. he din ExpeCt me To call back. juz wan to leT me know he's in camp. But Too bad, i super light slper nowadaYs. Esp when i heaR my hp ring... haha... hehe... OMG!!!!! LorD of the RiNgs is cuming SooN!!!!!!!!!!!! yEAH!!!! 17/12 if i'm not wROng. juz heard From radio... I die Die ALso mus cAtch tAt shoW... Can't WaIt for it... hehe..
anyone want to wAtch HiddEn track wIf me?????????????

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

i juz ReALisEd sumtin! i haven Ate riCe for quitE sumtime! Hahha.. it was only until jus now when my Parents bought unAgi don home. HAaa.. aCtuaLly i shld avoid rice. coz it's stARchy. hmm... i din finiSh the rice. ate hAlf. finiSh up the unaGi though... hAha.. those who know me shld know i like unaGi! hahahha.... duno y still can feel the hunGer. ARhz.. maybe i sTaRve for tOO long... hope i dun Get gasTric like ThE other nite. Hmmm... nothing to do now. thinkin bout my birthday. Duno wat to do. how to celebrate. who want to ceLeBraTe wif me? haiz... haha. AnYone goT ideAs and wan to ceLebraTe wif me plZ cALl me or Drop me A mesSage..... haaha.. if not.. maybe i'll staY home.. and go buy sum voDka and CelebrAte on my own... Oh yEah... eXaMs resuLts will be out oN 22nd. aIya... wAt A daTe. juz 3 dayS b4 my BirthdAy. Hopefully not a spoilER. but i gueSs it'll be... Ahahaha.... And GueSs wat?! I juZ got My hP biLL... the BoMb has ArrivED!! aRghz... There Goes my sAVings... it's $173!!!!!!!! i'm gona die... HAhaha... but luckily, date due's on 3rD. so i can sTill spend a litTle before i pay. juz neEd to contRol my Spending.... haiZ.....
lalala... Haha... i'm bOred. stay home todAy also... nothing much to do. DownloadinG songs. FOund The song i wanTed - blue. no, it's not by Blue. neither is it the i'M blue dA Ba dEe. HAhha.. it's another sOng. : ) waNted this SOng for quite sum time and neVer maNaGer to get the TiltLe until tOday. Now stilL downloaDing sonGs. so sianz rite.. nothing to do one. Hahahaha.... nothing to eat at hOme ALso. neVermind la. i'm not hungRy. thank Gdness sitTing in frOnt of PC, downloading sOngs maKes time flies. If not i'll bE Dead... Hahaaha... okok... tis post v borIng i know. coz i'm fEElin Bored aLso ma. hahha.. bye Bye firsT. b4 whoever reads tis faLLs aslp!! WaHAhaa.....

Monday, November 17, 2003

haLO bLoGgy. I never blog in the nooN hOr.... haha... today, was also doin nothing much. FinISh waTchin my Vcd ALready... no COmmeNts oN the SHow.. juz taT It's PrEtTy eXaGgeRAtinG. hahaha... aFTEr tat... i caMe onlIne.. realIse i got nothing to do.. then i wEnt tO irOn my cloThEs... haha. aFteR tat... did nothing much lor.. surF a site... sum ppl cAll it lame.. sum think it's cool.. for me, i think i did it out Of BoRedEM... hahaha..... yEsh.. the site on all Ghostly stuff... haha... nothing To do MA! SO borIng... haiz!!! hahha... now Also got nothing to do.. Msn dada. NeVer RePly. ShlD be stiLL takin his Own swt Time Bathing.. aS usUaL. Ahahaha.. WeI, faSTer cum ouT!!!!!! Haha... anyWAyz... it's A borIn dAy afTer all... tAt's It..haha... hopE tml wiLl be bEttER...
i jus came bacK homie from meeTing dada. Hmm... felt better after meeting him. Haven sEen him for fEw days and it felt like thousaNd YrS... wAhaha.. i know i'm exaggeraTing.. but din see him for so LOng, makes me feEl insecuRE. i know i Shldn't be. but it's Hard. eSp when he's always At caMp... and ThaT blOOdy cAMpsite aLwAys gOt no reCePtion. NoT forGettin Dada, whO's AlwaYs playiN M.I.A wif me.... aRgHz... tat shld Explain hoW the insecurItY cums abouT, even tHougH i'm PrEttY sure about his fEeLings... Well, girLs ARe often more Sensative... paRanoid? MaYbe... hmm... he's juz so tired when i MeT him. can TeLl from his Eyes... poOr thing. leT him go slp... and i shaLl also slp eaRly tonite tOo... esp waKin up so eaRLy toDay and havin laTe nites for the PasT fEw days....... nite blogGy.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

tODay... MuM wOke Me up AT 6! aRghz!!!! so tIred... hAh.. i laZe till 6.45 then i gOt up. yEsh... i wEnt Kusu lsland Wif muM. AHaha.. she did IncReAse the BrIbE to 50 bucKs. But I swEar i din gO there for The MoneY.... COz muM SOund sO Sad wHEn i sAid I dun Wana gO... u know.. i haTe it. Haha.. i dun like it When eaRLy in the MorNing, sumonE cuMz and Sit By Ur bed aNd staRt sounDIn to sAd... hahaha..... so i juz WeNt fOr her SaKe. it WaS blooDy daMn BoriN tHere. THank Gdness My BrO weNt tOo... AT Least gOt suMbodY to acc Me. Though my bRO n i din tOk mucH, at Least... i knoW i'm not AlOne... haha.... sTupid bRo n I maDe sum siLLy jokEs here and There. watCh thoSE tOrtisE There... HOw they 'Play' wif their FoOd... AfTer we came back to mainLand, bro sEnd muM to wOrk and Send me home... ahha.. i waS So tired i fELL aLsp in the caR... pOOr Bro. tIreD aLso canoT slp. AHaha.... coz dRivers neED to concEntRAtE! reaChed home and did nothing AgaIn. wAtChEd vCd... and..... now... blogGing... waItIn for dada to gET back to me... haiz.z. poOr thing. sUnday aLso neEd go baCk CAmp..... sIghz.... hahaha..... okok..... tat's all for now... if any updaTeS laTer..... i'll be Back... if not..... tOO baD! haahAa... bye!

Saturday, November 15, 2003

ah.... i'm ok ALready. HEe. waTever's botherin me gonE... hope it wun cum Back... maKe Me FeEL sO bAd. WaHahaa...... haiz.. today so boring. went no wHere. Did nothing. hahaha...... watch VCd.. hafway feLt superSian.. HAaha.... caMe online... do nothing. haaha.... wasted time only. aiyo!!!! i hate life like TAt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha....
PoOr dada OT till so Late. KEep teLLin me he So tired. wAt to do? today he suAy. kEpt KenA tELlin ofF by his 'boss' ... now he go bathe....then bAthe So long... like take fOreveR.. wAhaa... dunO when will he finIsH bAthing!! saVE waTER La!!!!!!! WaTer is preCious...... WAHAhhaaha....... bye ByE bLoggy.... nite nite.
dOwn.... tat's how i FeEL. Hmm... dun aSk me y. I also duno. SuMtin's misSIn... duno wAt's tat. CAn't be fOod Ba... ahaha... sumting's botheRin me AgAin. Aiya.... y is it SO... QuitE Windy ah... lOokin out.. sEems like it's goin to raIn and i'm lisTening to davId tao's Song... wat's tat song ah... the onE JAy saNg at hIs tAiwAn COncErt..... Oh YA. zhaO Zhi Ji. hahha... ah.. sPeAk of Rain... It jus RAin!!! Ahaha... so fast. haiz... daDa stiLL in CAmp... dunO when WiLL he Be FrEe to caLL me... hMmmz... dun think can catcH xun zhAO zhou JiE LuN (hiDDeN tracK) tOday. sIanz... not cleaNin up todAy. resT. Tml... mum Wan mE go kuSU IsLand wIf Her.... ArgHz.. no.. i dun wan to GO.... She TrieD to brIbE me. wAhaha. My MuM is cLeVer. she knoW i'm Broke. sO trY to brIbE me wif 40 BucKs. AHhaa... laStest ofFer. yesterdaY was 30 bucKS. wOndER if i dElay untIl tMl wiLL it Be 50 buCks? waHAahaaha........ haIz.. Later nEEd to irOn cLothes...... One sTaCk of 'eM. haIz!!!!! IndEPeNdeNt does haV it's PrOs And COns... HAaha... so does eVerything...
haIz... so bored. late aT this hour, i've got nothing to do. hunGRy and bOrEd. Dada's oNLine doin his aRmy things. aIya... so bored. noThing to Do... tokin wif mum. discuSsin bout wat's for BreaKfasT tml. Ahaa... hard to buy things for me to eaT. cOz i'm on DieT. Haha.. no StaRchy food, no OiLy foOd, nothing tat's fiLLing... blah bLAh.. haha... troubLesome mE. yESh... vAIn pOt. :P hehee.... Juz now i din drink my wang Zai MiLk. coz i met dada then aftEr tat weNt CoMpass point to do sum Fund transFer at 11+. wEIrd hRs. Thanks to eR and gaNg. was tOO hungRy then so i went 7-11 and bout the JeLLy in miLk tea dRink. sTiLL hungry. but i wun EaT. haha. i'm goin to keEP mysElf busy... wif wat.. i duno... jo wEnt To dreaM lAnd aLreaDy. Dada stiLL busy wif his Things. hmm....... maYbe, i'll juz play sPidEr.. wAHaha.... borIng i know. wat tO dO?! haha..... ok..... Gd nite bloggY. Bye Bye *SupER bRoKe*

Friday, November 14, 2003

Hot Hot hot.... hahaha.... i'm sweaTing like mad.. haha... blaMe it on tat stupid FaN! died last nite. ah... and the "gd" weaThEr... Rain sO heaviLy, maKe me close windOws. no wind no VentilaTion. waRHz.... noW Sun cum out aLreaDy... sTiLL no Wind. ARHZ.. CAn't stAnd such weaTher. I'll melt sOon. finiSh cleanin my Current bEdrm. yeAH~! now Left wif the LivIng Room and hopeFuLLy one day, when adreNaline puMps, i'll clean the KitChen aS wELl... HAha... if u're Wonderin y m i doin so, sImply beCause of thESe reAsons:

1. My house ReaLLy in A MeSS~~~~~!!! I can't sTand it...
2. I'm sTaying at home to sAve moneY for my bills!!! miniMiZe SpEnding...
3. I'm on a diEt, Eating Little, and worKin out Doin HousEhold Chores, helps Me not to feel hungEr... so eaT Less, wOrK more! Hope i'll jus shEdd Sum poundS... Ahaha..

Simple as tAT! Haha... i'm not goin to continue cleaning the living RooM today. LeaVe it to sum other day. either tml or mon. coz of the WKend... hehe... I'm goin out sOon... whERe to? noWhere. Ahaha.. Juz to hougANg mall to pay my bills and Back home. not goin to buy dinner. I've plan to drink tat cAn of Wang Zai milk in the FriDge as dinnER. Think i'm CraZy? yes i am... Ahaha...aFter paYing biLLs, i'll be leFt with nothing AgAIn. GotTa saVe as HaRd aS PosSibLe for the neXt batch Of biLLs... and hopefuLLY hav the abilitY to sPend on things i wanA spEnd on agaIn....

Wat i reALLy wan:

1. GraB tat Ye Hui Mei VCD ASAP!
2. Go WaTch Xun zhao Zhou JiE LuN!!!
3. Buy eARrIng. ( I thRew Mine awAy)
4. gEt A new hAndPhonE! T610.
5. Get aNother sEt of Br@ wif IrOn on iMprInts.
6. BuY at LeaSt one More of Those Long sLeEve Top.
7. GeT MysElf a BotTOm... ANything tat'll look nice on Me... WAhaha....
8. Oh yEah! i aLmost Forgot... A NeW faN aSAP~!!!!!!
9. A nice litTLe TV in My CurRent BeDrOOm TOgetHer wif a DvD playER. WAHahaa....
10. HopefULLy a neW desKtop Or LaPtop... ThE one I'm usin now loOks like it's dYing..
11. My PerFuME!!!!!! ArMaNi whiTE... 100 Ml... hehehe.

ok.. tat's all for the MoMent.. it'll juz keEP goin On if i KEeP thinkIn.. HAHaha... I'M so GreEDy....... wAhaa..... okok... i BLog A Lot aLReaDy.. Tata!
ah.... din bLog last nite agaIn.. hehe.. Sum sTupid things HaPpened yesterday eveNing. ArGHz fReak u. I dun care waT u wan tO say. can't beLieVe u Say u know me wEll eNough and Yet u dun trust me. arGHz. i Giv up on u aLreADy. I was aLways thEre to help u when u look for me but then u neVer Bother to undersTaNd... alwaYs wana say this and tAt. Fu*k u! PisSed wif u.
Thanks Dada for cheEring Me up. I know u TrieD ur best but it's hard u see... havin a fREn for 6 yrs and StilL can treat u like tat.... HAiz....
AnyWay, After i bloggeD yesterday, i went to cLean up my roOms AgaIn. wahaha.... finaLLy tiDied up my previous rOOm. the cuRrent one aLmosT there ALready. sOon will be the LIvIn Room... haIz.. y??? y does my mum Likes to mess up the house so MucH.... aRGhz... culPrits no. 1. CulpRit nO. 2 is nonE other ThaN sTupid bABY!! U're Gettin On MY nervES... Tat explaIns y i've beEn yeLlin aT u, eVen though u dun undErstaNd. WAHAhaha... laSt nite wEnt to meEt dada at bout 10+ neaR 11. wAs so HaPpy to receivE his cAll. thought tat he wasn't goin tO boOk out coz of his OT. aLways givin me SuRpRises... haha... reaChed home at neaR 12. tok on the phone wif him until 3+ 4 then he fInaLLy say he wan to slp... waHaha.. aCtually he's bEen slpin tru the conversation... but so stubOrn. aSk him go slp dun wan go Slp. haha...
todAy dada goin to CmPb... where jusTin koR is.. hehe... duno if they'll bump intO eaCh other Or not... and hopeFuLLy DAda call me SOon.... i'm RotTin at home... haha... chaTtin wif mama. LaTer need to go paY bill... then duno wan to contInue cleanin toDay or TaKe A bReak... sEe How lah... hehehee....... bye bYE~~~~~~~

Thursday, November 13, 2003

seriously, i've never really felt swtneSs like tis b4. Times wiF The aRsehole was bitTer And BitTer.. there wasn't any wat u call the 'honeYmoon' PeRiOd. onCE i BoARded tat sampaN, there waSn't aNy smooth saIlin CruisE... TIde was rouGh.. Haha... aLwaYs ROcking by... and hoping tat i wun faLL intO the SeA... NeVer wld i exPect to bOard this boat that Brings aBout haPpineSs and joy intO my dulL and BorIng worLd. eVerything is Swt. sumtImes i jus find my Self simling aT air... wAhaha.... gOner.. nut case alreAdy. anywAy, i juz wana thank God for leTting me mEet him. LiFe's neVer the saMe as BeFore......... WAhaha....... *BeaMing wIf jOy*

dAda: i miss u.. gotta take care. Hope to See u Soon...

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

AHHhhH!!!! this post for dAda.... : Dada!! u aRe so nauGHtY!!!! surPrise me....... :P hehehe.... maKe Me waIt waIt waIt..... :P hehehe...... it's 10 aLreaDY! u neEd to go baCk camp aLReady.. taKe Care ok?! misS ya loaDs.......
hiYa. i'm back... wah.. cleaned my bedrOom today. half cleaned.. continuE tMl. lucky my SeconD BedrM nothing much to cLeaN.. wAaha.. if not i'll die cleanin.... Hmmm.......... wEdnesdAy nite so BorIn... no shOw to waTCh... sO sianZ....... Ah...... hELp... dying of borEdEm... Dada still in camp.... duno OT untiL waT time.. faster finisH.... call me... hahaha..... die.. he say OT for this whOle WK..... tat means........ tml and fRi also BOrin.... haha..... unLess got niCE tV sHow La.... hopeFuLLY ba...... wAhahaa.... then hopefuLly saT and suN OT not sO laTe... if not v boRing Ah..... i wAna GO cLubBin..... Wahahaha...... so Long no daNce aLReaDy.. my toes aRE itching..... wAhahaha... budEn agAin, no monEY... CLub WAt.......... faSter sEttLe my bill then can go.... YEaH~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! neEd to paY 96++ by 15. then my last month pac net biLL as wEll... now waItin for this Month's hp bill.... hope it's not more than 150... but i guess.. unLikely ba.. coz..... oversEas calls Are exPeNsive!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh.. so paisEhx! haha.. din blog last nite. not intEntionally one La... hahaa........ ArgHz.. yesTerday never clean up my rOoms.... today suddenly wanA clean up my whole HousE.... HAa... i'll die sneEzing firsT if i do it.. hAhaha... got a sensative nose wat.. too bad... Ahaha.... well.. yesterday... y never blog ah.. coz.. after i reaChed home from meeting dada i log online... check mails.. send my resume to my frenz..... Plz.z..z help me look for temp joB Ah... I'm officially bRoke.. if this goes on, i canot CeLebRaTe my bdae leh... neED to eat gRaSs AlreaDy. ahaha... well... log on haLfway dada called me at bout 12+...oh YeaH.... welcome baCk to singAPore PiG HeAD! haha.. hope u had Fun. was Tokin to daDA... for duno how long b4 i decided to log off coz i'm wasting eLectricity. HAha.. havin my pc on in the living rM and then tokin in my bEdroom. tOk aLl the way till 5+ hahaha.... so tIRed... actualLY, not reALLy tokin la.. haha.. was listening to each other slping. WAhaha... i KepT waKin him up.... :P not me.. i wanted him to go slp but he refusE to do so... haha.. only until 5+ then he decide to slp... haha... aFter hang up i went Straight to sLp...

wOke up this morning then lAZe round. came onLine for a while.. before dada Called me. and yes... i was simply listenin to him slping... and birds chirping Away in his camp... wahaha.. called me ask me to listen to him slpin... hAha... poor thing.. so tIred... then got to do OT for this whole Wk...... haiZz... miss ya loads...... hAhaa.. now, i'm goin to stAy online but i'm not goin to touCh my Pc. leave it on.. leave my mp3 on... go look for things to eat.. then start cleaning up....... wAhahaha.......... mama.. ur songs left wif a few....... try to complete for u soon........ *taTa*

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

hallo.. gd afternoon..... i woke up today at 7+ i guesS? after receiving dada's smses. b4 i could reply, he called me. SoO faSt.. haha.. maybe i slow yeah? coz slpy ma. stiLl slping u know... hehe. anyway, chat for a while before i went back to slp agaIn... woke up at 12+ then... found nothing home to eAt. HAha.. i'm stARvin aGaIn. nVm. used to it. came oNline and chat wif nise reGardin the SEntosa outing. then decide to staRt a time-consuming task. Tat is to help mama d/l her sOngS! i promise here alreaDy.. haha.. so now, i downloadin her songs... hopefully can d/l as many as possible today then tml i can go clean up my beDrOomS. yes.. both.. haha... poor dada fell down. haIz..... duno how cum... saD Sad.....
mama: miss u.. hehe
dada: take care ok... miss ya.......

Monday, November 10, 2003

i juS got home from meeting dada... hehe... so haPPy... hehe... duno y i blog also. maYbe jus to say... daDA, i love u. hehehehehe........... :P bye bye.
oh Yeah... i misSed out sumting... peEPs, dun ask me go sHoppIn... hAha.. i'm bRoKE. i sPent a lot!!! and my hp bill for last month of 96++ wasn't settled. so is my inteRnet bill and not forGetting the cumin hp biLL!! it's gona Be ex due to all the Overseas calls back. and all those global sMs.. haha.. deAD~~~~~~~ no money to sPend aLreaDY....... hahahaahaa
yOHOooo!!!!!!!!! i'm baCk!! Actually, i was Back last nite. but too tireD to blog. ahaha... where shall i Begin???? so maNy things to say. dun wan make the entry too long either. But i'm hell load of a blogGer! hELp. Hahaha... cut the long sTOry shOrt la. set off from golden mile at bout 7. reaChed genting at bout 2+. Yeah. the caBle car. SO fun! haha... looks a little sCaRy La. the tot of the cable car stoppin and droppin was reaLLy bothering me. haha. anyway, we checked in to firsT world hotEl. hAha... A hotel that leFt me a "Gd" impressioN. wahahaa. the ToilET wAS soooo BiG..... even Singapore's swimming pool toilet is biggEr than it. waHahaa. wat's wOrse?! it's not one cubical, there's 2 of it. one for bathing and the other for ur regulaR busineSses.. wahahaha. how bad can tat be?!? Soon after check it we went out. hAd pizza and Went to snoW woRLd! wAH.. the plaCe is DaMn frEeZin Cold! haha. my fingers werE nuMb. it's a beautiful plaCe except tat it's a littLE small. Ahaha. then afTer tat we went walk round and sat down at coffee bean for a dRink. went back to take a rest before headin to the 'most happenning' discO. WAHahaha. It was Latino nite. CAn't blame that. those music certainly make me sLpy. haha. firsT time ever in my life visitin a disco and fallin aslp inside. Haha.. hopefully nobody sEes it. went back at bout 1+. bathe and surPrised xp wif 2 small pieces of cake for her bdaY. HAha. so funny. and i swear i wasn't the maStERmind!!! Everything wasn't plaNneD. except for the Cake and me sneAkin in. HAha. yEap yEAP. staYed up till 4? i was so slpy i feLL aLsp. keke and er was discussin bout next daY's dinner?! we haVen't even decide wat to haV for breaKfast n u guys are Already aT dinneR. WAhaha... woke up at 7+ in the morning. Dada... so early msg me. wahaha. i was half aslp when i replied his msgs. slpt till 11 when xp came into our rOom. no choice hav to wAKe up. Wahaa. we went up to the fooD courT and had breaKfaSt. wah then chilli theRE eXtreMe shioK! nicE! hahaha. went to theMe PaRK aFter tat. WAh...... spaCe Shoot is deFinitely a ride not to be MisSed. u know the kind tat u sit on it and they take u vertically up into the sky to duno how many metres or km? wAhaha. then drop u down in a fEw seconds! HAha. Cool rite?! yeaP yeaP. also corkscReW... the rolLercoaSter. it ain't tat sCaRy. nice in FAct. haha. and we took both rides twice. HAha. went bought a few things then and headed back to hotel. put down our things and went for a tummy bloaTing dinnER. wahaha. aFter tat went shoppin... no money LA! haha. then heaD back to hotel. was suppose to sTay up thru the nite but who knows, er feel aslp and soon all of us fell aslp! woke up at 4+ then went back to bathe and pack bag.went back to xp's rm and snacKed and waTch tv. after all tat, we fEll aSlp agaIn! hahaa... woke up at 7+ or 8+ when dada Msg me. HAaha... but i continued to slp aFter replying him, till bout 10.15 when we all woke up and decided tat we haV to get reaDy to check out. after tat we went for breaKfaSt and did sum shoppin agAin before we heaDed back to take caBle cAr. and Cable caR trip back is much more scarieR then goin up. Hahaha.. but's it fun. boaRded the bus at 3+ and reacheD Singapore at 10++. went to meeT dada after tat and went home at 12+ a bit. did all i need to do and went to slp. Haha.. woke up at 10+ 11 and hEre i aM!!!!!! bacK hOme....... : )

Friday, November 07, 2003

haLO!!!! Gd morning?! Yeah. morning soon. I'm now at xp's house together wif keke and er. haha... we 4 slpy heads ain't slpinG! hungRY and tired but canot slp. gOna Set off soon... sO excited. hahaha... can't really believe that tis is happening. anyway, i juz blog my v last entry before i sEt off. Bye Bye to singApore. waHahaa. I'm mad. Take good care of urselves dearies... Oh yEAh, thanks for those sMses... and... i certainly enjoyed tis noon's class outing at orChaRd... And i really like tat top v mucH!!!! HEhe... dada say when i come back and when he book out, we're goin to see tat top togEther. wAhahaha. i miss him so muCh. Oppps. .. sorrY la.. wAhahaha....

Dada: when u're reading this, i'm already at genting. Take care of urself yeah. Thanks for acc. me jus now coz i really wan to see u. hehe. i love u! gonna be missing u a lot even though it's jus 3days. It's like only after parTing for 5 mins i'm alreaDy missing u. :P baBy not shy to say... waHahaha... and dada, u promise me sumting last nite. when u read this entry, u shld know wat to do ba... hehe... miss ya and love ya!

Thursday, November 06, 2003

ok.. i deleted my previous entry. dun ask me wat was it. i'm ok now. missing dada as usual. goin to genting tml. gonna miss mama. din say bye bye to her in the noon. i'm gonna miss all my dearies... nise, na, zhen and of coz mama, take care ok. i know it's gona be only for few days but i'll miss u all. coz u guys are such lovin' ppl... tat's all.. bloggy. i wun be blogging after tonite till i come home. bYe bye.

Dada: cHeEr up ok! Baby is here. Miss u n love u...

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

bloggY! I'm so happy....... WAHAhahAaha.. y? i tink u know rite. i'm back home from meeting dAda.... walk round hougAng mall only la. nothing much lor. yeaH!! finally got dada's photo... hehe... hOpe dada can bOok out tml. Acc me b4 i leave... tat's aLL! i jus blog to say: i misS dada!!!
I'm back home! so eaRly rite. Yes. woke up eaRly morning at 6.30... drAgged my feet to wash up and get ready for sch. HAha.. 7am, blur dada call me. hE forgot that i'll call him on my way out and he tot i was stiLl slping. hehe. Anyway, i left home at 7.30. misSed called dada. but never call back until i was on TPE. tOk to him for a while then he hung up. Saw an accidEnt.. Eh.. poor motorcyclist. his head was bleEdIng... hmm.. dun wan tink bout it. if not laTer get nitemaRe. WAHahaha. anyway, reached sch at 8.15 ba. look for at sit and study. Mama was at Biz PaRk. i din go loOk for her. studY till Zhen and nise ReAched then DaDa called. thanks Dada for ur lucK. hehe. i gueSs it wOrks! went for CSA paPer and it wAs.... faR from difficuLt but not so easy La. haa. dun wan to bE so confident. IF not surE diSapPointEd. i aimeD to finIsh the Paper by 10.30. wAhaa.. gd thing i finisH b4 tat. chEck tru a littLe then i went Off... went out of sch, called daDA. Hehe... blur BLur daDa. suRpriSe to heaR me finisH paPEr so earLy. hehe... anyway, went home and once i stEpped in, nise called me. hehehe... Sorry deaRie! din know that u din see me LeFt. HEhe... din msg u to tell u tat i weNt home.. sorRy~ oh YEah.... tml laSt paPer. finaLLy! Yeah... ceLeBratE gd timeS... wahaha. anyway, i'm goin to meeT daDa lATer...... hee..... i'm so haPpy.
HAppy. sha la la la. it's so nicE to be haPpy Sha la la la. Everybody should be HaPpy!

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

oh yeah.. i missed out sumthing. It's bout my trip. I'm leaving early moring 6.45 on 7th and will be baCk... on the 9th at laTe nite... 11++.. sigHz. canot See DAda.....
hEhehehe... quite... fine. studied econs last nite till 1+. v tired. Went to slp. dada nv msg me. seT my alarM at 7. wAnted to study. tOO tired, slpt a little longer till Dada msg me at 7.30. of cOz i wOke up la.... startEd to study till dada called me. chat until 9+ then i went back sTudy. leFt home at 11 and reAched sch at 1145. dAda called me AGain...hehe... thanks dada for ur encouragEMent. met up wif zhen, mama and nise and studied for a while b4 i complained i was hungRy... waHahaa.. i woke up at 730 and neVer eat anything ok. :P while eaTing haFway, daDa call me agAIn.... hehe.. so haPpy. :P mama, nise and zhen gang up n "bully" me. WAhahaa... ok la.. juz kiddIng Rite.. went for econs paper. aH.. i also dun wan to meNtion la. PaSs can alreaDY. God bleSs Me Ba~! afTer Paper, went down to chinAtown to mEet xp, keke and Er. YEaH~~ i'm goin to Genting on 7!!! fASt rite. i know. hAvEn get enugh slp yet. WaHahaha... but sad thing. goiN to misS daDA a lot. anyway, DaDa prOmise to meeT me sooN before i leAve. hAppy... can't wait. ok.. tat's bout it lor.. dun wan tok too mucH alreaDy. got v limited time online. nEed to study CsA laTer. hAIz~! Bye bloggY.

Monday, November 03, 2003

missing sumbody can be painful...... Haiz..... haha. poor dada so late still at camp. ArGhz.. sumtimes i jus hate to hav ns guys as... u know.... but guys after ns are more matured la... hopefully?! oPpsie.. this bloggy suppose to be bout me rite. and now there's gona be sumone else! yes dada... waHAhaha... i'm mad. maybe it's because i'm missing dada too much...... wAhAHahaaHAaha....... *siaOz*
ah.... wat a sigh of relief. No not for B.A. it was for the disagreement btwn xp n i. settleD. Thanks Pig Head for ur concern... well hope everything will be fine. oh yeah, i din blog last nite. SOrry bloggy. Was busy wif sum stuff. and i missed dada so much last nite. also wasn't in the rite mood. WAs super upset. never mind, it's ovER. and dada msg me! hehe... finally... coz i waited for so long. and tat kept me up coz i missed dada too much to go slp. hehe. woke up tis morning at 6.30... duno wat time when i was preparing myself, dada msg me. hehe.. so nice of u. left home at 7+ and reached sch at 8+ haha.. + means i duno the exact time La. :P anyway, B.A paper.. eh.. no point mentioning. I wasn't really prepared anyway. but i hope for a borderline paSs lor... Or else i got to go back for sub paper, which i dun wan to. After paper, and makan, together wif nise, mama, zhen and gal gal ling, we went to the library. suppose to study... but i can't! shit rite. Ah... i missed dada too much. gd thing dada called me. cheered me up a little. thanks dada! only tok for a while only coz dada in camp. but after tat xp msg me... it was bout the disagReement till juz now we had a tok over the line and settled everything. haRz.... coolz... relaxed... gotta study for econs later... bYe~~!
dada: baby miss u.........

Sunday, November 02, 2003

bloggy.. i'm feelin quite sucky now. had a small little disagreement wif xp. hope it's alright. anyway, i went to meet jeff jus now. nothing much lor... we jus tok bit.... until he was called back to camp. poor boy. din even slp enough hav to go back camp. Cheer up ok? hehe. i can't study. SHIT. the tot of havin a paper tml is botherin me but the problem is that i dun feel anything. How bad can tat be???!?! die lor. i really dun wan to fail. i dun wan to take the sub paper. God bless me ba. haha... so hungry. haiz.. i jus blog to let out how i felt. and it's definitely better now. jus tat i miss ah thai a lot.... hmm... when will u call me.......? of coz i miss my dearies.... : )
i'm back~ i jus did sumtin. haha. msn blocked that jerk so tat he will never ever msg me. ok, i know i'm slow. shld hav done so earlier. Anyway tat's not important. let's tok about wat happen jus now. As i was saying, i din know shld i go meet jeff or not. In the end at bout 6+ he told me he was busy. got sumting on. and beth called me ask me go town wif her. So i went wif beth. i msg him and told him tat i went orchard. he never reply. nvm. so beth n i walk round town till 8+ 9 or so, her frenz called. ask her to go centro. not a short while after tat, he called me. then we decided to meet at orchard. while beth went on her own, i met up wif him. we walk walk till p.s then we decided to head home. took the train till hougaNg. then he acc. me walk but i was reluctant to go home so early. it was 10+ only! so we sat down and tok. he was telling me lots of things... i'm not goin to say it here.... :P tok till 11++ then i acc him to the bus stop. but laTEr did we know, he misSEd the last bus! pooR thing. hav to walk home. lucky he staY sengkang only... haha. ok, u might start to wonder wat's so great bout all this... but all tat happened plus wat he told me is confusing me. I'm already at a loss in the first place. After all this, it's makin things wOrse! sEriously, i dun wan to hurt anybody. so... i'm still confused. duno.. tat's bout it bloggy. tat's all for today... bye bye...

Saturday, November 01, 2003

hello bloggy. So sorry i missed u out last nite. I mean the usual late nite blogging before i slp. i wanted to come back to blog but then i was on the line. well, last nite i spent duno how many goondu hours toking on the phone... HAa... ever since that jerk, i never tok for so long. i was tokin to jeff rite.. and tis idiot juz wun wan to hang up~ i was tired but not slpy though. but i need to clean up the house as usual! end up i had to clean up the house at 4+ haha... stupid. Sorry stefan.. haha. told u i'll bbl but end up u went to slp b4 i came back. anyway, tat's bout it lor. tok till 5+ before he was willing to slp. aH.... finally yeah. but i din slp for long. i woke up at 12. tat means... i haven really slpt enough! haha... as compared to other late nitez where i slpt at 3 ++ and wakin u at 1+ 2.... so now, i'm blogging and thinkin wondering shld i go meet him or not. he keep askin me to go meet him leh... but thinkin bout mon's B.A paper... i duno whether i shld or not... haha... ok la.. that's about it then... i'll be back later to updat u bloggy.... bYe............